It was time to turn a new chapter for the Ramirez-family.
Checo was tired of running a business that was not making any profit.
After talking things through with his family, he sold the business and they started looking for a new home.
After randomizing Lisa's and Checo's aspirations, they both became knowledge-sims.
As we know, knowledge-sims have bottomless hunger for new experiences and discoveries. Lisa was no exception.
She wanted to try, what would be like to live as a vampire.
Immediately after that Checo wanted to become one too.
So there they were, two vampires who tried to stay alive and take care of Tessa.
Although I have a hack that let's vampires stay in action during daytime (indoors only), their motives kept going down faster than I thought.
After struggling for their lifes indoors, they got a brilliant idea to have a pillow fight.
During daylight.
It was not a surprise that they both died and left Tessa who was taken by social worker.
I wanted to let some sim adopt her, so when the Tinkers moved into Veronaville, they adopted Tessa.
She became friends with her new mother and sister on the first day, and she hasn't even mourned for the loss of her biological parents. However, just before she went to her new bed in her new home, she rolled a want to resurrect Checo.
I don't think that wish is going to come true.
She kept her original surname, and stayed as Ramirez.