New Updates! *Squee*! I'm glad you're back with more updates! Clayfield is a really great neighbourhood! I especially love how you have businesses for every type of service imaginable! Having a working prison, schools, firestation...that is amazing! Looking forward to more updates! :)
I've missed LJ and will definitely try to post more often here. :) My goal has always been to try make Clayfield as realistic as possible, with all the imaginable servises that are possible to make in the game. :) That's what motivates me!
Hooray for updates! I envy you, you make businesses look so easy, and you have come up with some very interesting ones at that. I'm looking forward to more.
Have missed hearing from you, hope you and yours are doing well.
Comments 6
Have missed hearing from you, hope you and yours are doing well.
Thank you Selene, I'm doing okay. :) Been just busy with other projects and making videos. ;P
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