Thanks for the tips about the videos, I'll check them out! :)
Personally I don't really mind the new update page at LJ, but I do mind that they don't keep it optional when there clearly is a lot of people who prefer the older one. One can just hope they'll never force us to use their new horrible friends page layout. *shivers*
I completely agree about the new Photobucket, and I was pretty chocked when I found out the storage limit for free acounts suddenly is 2 GB only (there was no limit at all before)! So I decided to at least temporary use Imgur instead, which I so far rather like!
I've been using PB for ages (a paid account), and since I have thousands of pictures there I wouldn't want to move my stuff to somewhere else. :P From what I read on the PB forums, it can take 2-4 weeks for them to set things so that the missing basic features come back. :(
I haven't been playing much in the past week since I've wanted to see the videos and get new ideas, but I can say that after you've watched them you definitely feel like playing again ;)
I was just thinking about you, Maranatah! :) I'm glad to hear that we'll get the chance to re-visit Clayfield, soon. I like the way that you're playing your BACC, so I'm curious to see the new elements you've been inspired to add.
Aww, that's so sweet :) Definitely more updates are coming. I'm going to start editing pictures today and possibly there will be an update later today.
Comments 16
Personally I don't really mind the new update page at LJ, but I do mind that they don't keep it optional when there clearly is a lot of people who prefer the older one. One can just hope they'll never force us to use their new horrible friends page layout. *shivers*
I completely agree about the new Photobucket, and I was pretty chocked when I found out the storage limit for free acounts suddenly is 2 GB only (there was no limit at all before)! So I decided to at least temporary use Imgur instead, which I so far rather like!
Can't wait for your new updates too. Your game is what inspired me to try out the college in main hood and playable school hacks <3
I'm so glad to hear that I've inspired you! :)
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