Jonathan and Jennicor are living with Jennail's family.
Jonathan, age 55
Family/Grilled cheese
LTW: Marry off 6 kids
Jennail, age 27
LTW: Become City Planner
Jennicor, age 55
LTW: 50 dream dates
Kvornan, age 27
LTW: Become Celebrity Chef
Fricorith, age 12
LTW: Become Rock God
Nylissit's family lives next door and they often hang out in the game room.
Fricorith took a part time job.
Jennicor works on Politics and was demoted back to level 1. She cried for one whole day about it.
Jennail's working towards her LTW. Smelly cloud often follows her home.
Oh-ou... We know what this might mean...
Kvornan died suddenly the next morning :(
My sims seem to prefer woohoo'ing in the common area...
Pregnancy really takes a lot out of Jennail.
Fricorith went to the park to meet other teens and met Alex Goth who told him facinating gossip.
First Pop
Second Pop
Working Girl.
Fricorith's A+
She makes funniest faces ^^
...and fall asleep to her soup way too much.
It's a boy named Cairo.
He's almost a clone of his dad.
And Jonathan is happy to have yet another grandson.
This completes the first round in Bluewater Village. Next stop: Belladonna Cove!