Jul 31, 2008 00:05

I've taken to lurking again. Bad me. To make up for it, have a little picspam:

An Ode to Avon's Hooker Boots: A Picspam
Or: Just One Reason Out of Many Why People Ought to Watch This Show

For anyone unfamiliar with Blake's 7, this is Kerr Avon -- embezzler, outlaw, computer genius, leather fetishist:

And these are his thigh-high leather "hooker" boots:

Their first appearance is in the episode "Shadow":

In which Blake lets Avon dress up like a tart and handle Blake's business transactions for him. Which, fair enough.

You know the best thing about this whole scene? It's that you can hear the leather squeaking every time he moves. Oh, and also this:

Er, sorry. Got distracted there.

Anyways. As I was saying: Boots!

Omg! An actual shot where you can see the hooker boots in their entirety!

Yeah. They go waaaaay up.

See what I'm saying?

More shots where you can actually see the boots!

Who cares about the guard or the crazy druggies? HOOKER BOOTS.

Unfortunately, Avon changes out of the hooker boots/silver sparkly combo about half-way through the episode, and into an open-necked white tunic. But THAT, my friends, is another picspam for another time.

The only other appearance of the hooker boots is in the episode "Horizon", in which they spend most of the time being blurry, out of shot, or out of focus.

Blake tells Jenna that he's scared that "Avon might run" -- In those heels? Really?

Orac does not appreciate the hooker boots.

And this is where I completely fail to take decent caps of possibly one of the bestest scenes EVER, in which Avon single-handedly rescues the crew of the Liberator, while wearing those boots. I CANNOT GET A NON-BLURRY CAP. It is an absolute tragedy. So please forgive the blurriness and general overall crappiness of these caps.

*sobs at the lack of a decent cap for this part*

To make up for it, Obligatory Shirtless!Dirty!Sweaty!Blake:

Have I mentioned that I love the episode "Horizon"? Not included in this picspam: all the gratuitous Blake and Jenna torture that is also in this episode.

Note: I was convinced that the hooker boots made another appearance in "Gambit". Unfortunately, examination of the photographic evidence reveals that Avon's boots are of the plain, below-the-knee, non-hooker variety. Another waste of a beautiful opportunity. For real. *sobs*

picspam, blake's 7

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