Baby!Simm MOOD THEME, biatches

Nov 06, 2007 21:35

Inspired, of course, by the slutboiathon.

All pre-2000 John Simm characters: Joby, Kendel, Cecil, Gary, Phil, William, Danny and Jip (with special guest stars Theo and his ice lolly.)

pissed offblanksadsilly


And here's all of them.

Had to reuse a few, but it's still over a hundred different images. And all of them Jailbait!Simm.

All caps by eviljr, with the exception of: Joby (hellblazer06), Gary (lozenger8), and Cecil (me).

I can't imagine anyone else is pervy crazy enough to use these, but just in case, here are some instructions:

1. Do left-click and "Save As" on this zip file here.
2. Upload the image files to your own server/photobucket/whatever.
3. Go to the Admin Console and enter:
moodtheme_create "Baby Simm Mood Theme" "Still Jailbait In His Twenties"
Or, you know, whatever name and description you want for it.
4. Copy down the theme ID the console gives you.
5. Open up the moodtheme.txt file and do Find/Replace on the theme_ID, and on the path name for your server where the images are at.
6. Copy-Paste that whole sucker into the Admin Console and hit Execute.
7. Go into your livejournal settings and select it under Custom Mood Themes.
8. Insert one line into your user info linking back here so that other perverts fans of John Simm's early works can find it.
9. Sit back and enjoy the Simm.

NOTE: The mood icon for "working" is, ironically enough, possibly not entirely work safe (it's Cecil getting his Rentboy on.) Rename the one for "productive" to "working" if that's, you know, a problem. (Is John Simm sucking cock EVER a problem, though, honestly?)

slutboiathon, i am so going to hell, john simm

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