I wasn't tagged...I just feel the need for this meme :D
List ten fictional characters you would have sex with (in no particular order) and tag 5 people to do the same.
1. Daniel Jackson
2. Aragorn (book or movie, thankyewverymuch)
3. Jack Harkness
4. Ianto Jones
5. Dick Grayson
6. Zoe from Firefly (anybody know if she took Wash's last name or not?)
7. Mike Celluci
8. Roy Harper
9. Phileas Fogg
10. Rebecca Fogg
Today there were parents, who bought clothing for the sproglet, and there was a
penknife and a VSP, and there was a sproglet who ate a gigantic pile of raw green beans for dinner, and there was a new book to edit. So, despite the fact I gave myself a deep and painful bruise on my knee, I consider today a win.
Also, I have the new Blue Beetle and my life is very very happy because of it. I want to speak coherently about why I love this issue, but all I've got is SQUEEEEE! ::loves::
Back to work now...