Title: Honour the Fallen
deakaRating: G
Characters: Leia Organa Solo, Luke Skywalker, mention of Mara, Ben, Jacen, Jaina
Pairings: Luke/Mara, Leia/Han
Timeframe: Between Legacy of the Force and Fate of the Jedi
Warnings: Spoilers for Sacrifice for anyone who's managed to avoid them to this point.
Summary: It was left to Leia to remember, and
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Comments 4
She watched the darkness of Coruscant from Mara’s old lookout. There should, she thought, have been rain; the sky should have been blanketed, swallowed in gloom that gushed down, painting her cheeks, dripping from her fingers, pooling by her boots.
Instead the sky was starless and clear, a gibbous moon hanging in its farthest corner, struggling to make its light shine across the garish cityscape.
I can't tell you the number of times I've had this thought when I'm in a bad or depressed mood and the sun is shining brightly outside. Lovely touch.
but . . . do not mind picking up tidbits of what happened, through posts like these. Very well done. You can feel Leia's -- I don't want to say torn feelings .. but her sadness in general as to what has transpired. :)
I loved 'a Mara caught in reflection through Luke's gaze' and then 'a Mara who loved her brother' very much. And the descriptions of Coruscant. The ending was beautiful in a sad way too.
Your writing is lovely and hugely emotive--it's easy to feel the sadness and pain that comes with these events. I really loved this.
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