hullo! So checking how's tricks around here, since I've been a bit, uh, gone for the last couple of days.
This internet connection continues to be fickle, the Codex Alera series continues to be addictive, as well as random French police novels. Cold temperatures continue to be awesome and Sherlock continues to trickle in instead of getting
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Comments 7
Hahahaha! I've piles of books in unseemly places because I ran out of room to put bookshelves/cases on. It's kind of embarrassing. I think I have some Temeraires on my hard drive, will have to check.
ALSO ALSO ALSO, Kitai, Max and Varg just outmaneuverEd Tavi's maneuvers and man I LOVE THEM SO MUCH I NEED TO SQUEE LOUDLY AND INAPPROPRIATELY. Just &hearts in industrial quantities.
When I was reading the books, I would randomly text Ron with "OMG KITAI AND TAVI" all the time. I totally understand the need to squee. ♥
My brain and my panties exploded right there. I'M SO GLAD I CAN SQUEE WITH SOMEONE!!!! They so are made of so much bright awesome, like, words fail me massively. Massively.
&hearts _ &hearts
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