Non-challenge: A Policeman's Tale (Day 39)

Jun 12, 2009 22:04

Title: A Policeman's Tale (Day 39)
Author: ytak
Word count:  1019
Rating (chapter): K+ (PG)
Rating (whole story): T (PG-13)
Comments: This chapter kind of went a bit of a different way than I intended, at least, in relation to one character.  I cannot deny the influence that the latest set of DC chapters have had (though this story has diverged from the manga months and months ago).
Other chapters can be read through here or here.

Day 39

“...And the system will be scrapped as of today,” Megure said. A few moments of stunned silence passed in the room before every detective burst out into whoops of joy, applause, and friendly buffets on each other's shoulders. Megure's mustache did not hide his pleased grin at the general reaction to the news. And not without good reason. Their workload had not been the only one to increase. The higher ups had thought one department had been bad until they realized what would happen if it had been implemented with every department.

Someone suggested getting a drink to another officer. Before anyone knew what was happening, it was decided that everyone would go out for drinks and karaoke after the shift.

Takagi chatted with Chiba on the spur of the moment celebration. In between talking to Chiba about the best party drink (they both agreed that beer was best for this sort of event) and how to get Shiratori drunk enough to do the Caramelldansen on stage, Takagi noticed that the detective who simply wanted to have a drink with his friend looked like he had been steamrolled. He nudged Chiba and they both had a good grin over the other man's discomfort.

A few more seconds passed before Takagi realized that someone was clearing his throat in an attempt to get their attention. He nudged Chiba and they looked at the inspector. He cleared his throat a few more times before Sato decided that it was not working.

“Hey! Quiet, the inspector is trying to say something!” she snapped, causing most of the room to stop what they were doing immediately. Takagi had a flashback to a certain case involving a ring that Sato still wore frequently.

This time, everyone could hear Megure clear his voice, “Ah, as I was trying to say, the system is being put aside but you will have to still wrap up whatever cases you were working on according to the plan.” A collective groan rolled through the room. Megure allowed them to get it out of their systems before continuing, “I know it is a lot of work but I believe that those cases can be cleared out quickly.” He gave the room a sweeping look before grinning widely, “Especially since it appears almost everyone is well again.”

More than a few people blinked at the statement and looked around the room. The inspector is right, Takagi thought, I guess they gradually returned. The only empty desks look like the people who have the day off. He blinked again for a different reason, ...Day off? That's right! I have a day off tomorrow. I wonder..., he looked in Sato's direction. Well, it doesn't hurt to ask. Later.

Like an excited group of children who were suddenly told that they could not go to the park until homework was done, the detectives grudgingly moved back to the tasks they had been working on before the announcement.

Takagi settled down to the paperwork at his desk. He could almost feel a headache forming even before looking at any of the papers. A bit-off curse from another desk caught his attention. That detective was pounding away at a keyboard with obvious anger. He snarled and gave the computer a look that said it was about to take a trip. From the building's roof to the ground via gravity.

Then again, maybe paper is better for now..., he thought. I'll leave the paperwork for the secretaries to file and enter on a computer.

By the end of the shift, Takagi was not sure if he was happy or disappointed that he did not go out on a call. Honestly, I was expecting to be called out to investigate. That would happen today. It would be something odd. Oh, and connected to the Mouris or those friends of Conan-kun. Resolutely, he did not think he was free and clear because his shift was over. He did not want to ask for trouble.

Unlocking his car door, he noted that a number of cars were already gone from the garage, probably to the karaoke saloon. Sato's car was still parked next to his. A flash of envy flashed though Takagi. As cars went, Sato's made most of the cars in the garage look grungy and low class. His own car (a replacement for the one that went boom) was cheap. And next to Sato's, it looked cheap. But with the way Sato drove, there was a good reason she had a car with a good engine.

Shaking his head at his own jealously, he opened the car door to get in.

“Want a ride?” Sato's asked. Takagi looked at her. He had not noticed that she had been standing nearby.

“Ah, um,” he stuttered, trying to blush for having been caught for checking out her car.

She gave him a very Chesire Cat-like grin.

She's teasing me! Again..., he drolly thought. Swallowing and taking a calming breath, he asked, “Would you like to come over for dinner tomorrow night?”

She blinked once but her smile did not fade. In fact, it seemed to grow a little bigger. “Okay, I'll come by after work tomorrow.” Though she quickly climbed into her car, he could see that she was also blushing.

Takagi climbed into his car, a big grin on his face. As he turned on the headlights, he illuminated Shiratori standing across from Takagi's car. He was arrested by the look on Shiratori's face as the older man stood next to his own car. Did he witness our exchange? Takagi thought, worry coloring his mind. I don't think he'd be wearing the expression if he didn't.

Swallowing nervously, Takagi pulled out of the parking spot and headed in the direction of the karaoke bar. He tried to clear Shiratori's expression from his mind but found that he only dwelled on it more. Shiratori had looked... mad but there had been another expression there.

It was not until much later that night, as he lay in bed that he realized that the other emotion had been sadness.

ytak, fanfic-nonchallenge

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