Non-challenge: A Policeman's Tale (Day 21)

Jan 07, 2009 22:59

Title:   A Policeman's Tale (Day 21)
Author:  ytak 
Word count:  1439
Rating (chapter):  K+ (PG)  
Rating (whole story):  T (PG-13)
Comments:  Conan=trouble  XD

Day 21

“Chiba-kun! Takagi-kun!” bellowed Megure, causing the duo to jump. “I know you've got cases your working on but hand them off. A possible murder was just reported,” an ironic tone slipped into his voice, “by Conan-kun and Professor Agasa.”

Takagi quietly groaned as he piled all the notes and reports for the Uchida murder into a neat stack. He scribbled a note out for Tsutsumi, who had been saddled with the case, and followed Chiba out of the office.

They drove to the scene in Chiba's car. The wind was unusually strong, buffeting the car as they drove to the site. Patrol cars blocked half of the bridge, leaving only two lanes open. Uniformed officers directed traffic through the remaining two lanes.

Chiba flashed his badge and they were allowed to drive the car into the blocked off lanes. The pair stepped out of the cars and were instantly hit by a blast of freezing wind. Carefully, they made their way over to the scene where a uniformed officer showed them the scene and where the person had reportedly fell in the river.

Takagi winced as he looked down at the water. It had to be freezing. Anyone who fell in was not likely to still be alive. The frigid water would quickly numb the body and the person would drown. And even if he could reach the banks, he would be more likely to be trapped under the ice lining the banks than climb over it.

The chilling wind quickly drove them into the building the police had commendered to use for immediate questioning. Inside, among all the unfamiliar faces, were the two faces that too many cops knew all too well.

“Hi, Takagi-keiji! Chiba-keiji!” Conan said, waving at the two detectives. A couple of the witnesses in the area looked at Conan and the detectives. The uniformed officer escorting them, directed the detectives to a back room where the suspect was being held.

“We'll get to him a bit,” said Chiba. “I want to know what everyone here saw first.”

They split up, questioning the witnesses. Some were pushy and tried to interject what they saw though they were not being questioned. Still, Takagi and Chiba managed to work their way through the group before meeting back up to compare notes.

“Well,” Takagi said, “It looks like everyone basically saw the victim...,” he took a moment to look back at his notes, “Chikafuji-san was pushed over the bridge by Takeuchi-san after arguing over something.”

“I don't know about that!” said a voice behind them. Turning, they saw Agasa flanked by Conan. “There is something about this case that does not add up.”

Takagi and Chiba looked down at Conan. “What do you mean, Conan-kun?” asked Chiba.

“Well, Professor Agasa and me saw that they had an argument. But it was the person that died who was really upset. The professor stopped Chikafuji-san from hitting Takeuchi-san. Right, Professor?” said Conan, turning the the portly older man.

He looked a little surprised to have the query directed at himself. “A-ah, that's correct. When they were leaving a shop, the deceased was the person that was really upset. I believe he said, 'I will get back at you!' but that was after I stopped him from hitting the other man. I'm not sure what their argument was about.”

He thought about it a moment and added, “Takeuchi-san... he did not seem really bothered.”

Conan added, “He was muttering to himself that Chikafuji-san said that a lot but never carried through.” Agasa nodded in agreement.

“And I've been listening to the witnesses. They say that Chikafuji-san was pushed at an odd angle,” Conan added.

Agasa twitched, as if he had just been kicked, “A-ah. And I've been watching Takeuchi-san. He doesn't move right.”

Takagi and Chiba shared a look. “What do you mean by 'not right'?” asked Chiba.

“His arms!” piped Conan. “He can't lift them very well at all.”

Agasa twitched again, “If you'll bring him outside, we can try a little demonstration. I think you might be surprised.” Takagi notice that he followed Conan outside. In fact, Agasa seemed to be taking the lead from Conan. Narrowing his eyes, Takagi left Chiba to get Takeuchi and set off after the odd pair. While he had been stuck in that elevator with Conan, there were times that he had to dismiss Conan's thinking because it was too unbelievable. Unless I am really watching him..., thought Takagi. Then I can see that I did not imagine it. Who is he? Or should I be asking what is he? He shook off the thought. But his suspicion would not go away. Not with those looks that Conan was throwing back at him.

He barely managed to refrain from jumping when Chiba rested a hand on his shoulder. “You all right?” he asked, the question barely above the wind.

Takagi nodded slowly, “I was just thinking of something.” They ducked under the police tape and move to the spot that Chikafuji had fallen from.

Agasa said, “I believe that Chikafuji was standing right her according to the witnesses.” He nodded to Takeuchi, “Would you please stand where you were when he fell?”

“No problem,” the suspect said, moving to stand next to Agasa.

“Would you please put your arms up in a manner as if to push me?” Agasa asked, looking a little uncomfortable with the request.

Takeuchi shrugged, “I can try but I don't think I can.” He raised his arms and placed them on Agasa's belly.

Chiba raised an eyebrow. “Can't you go higher than that?”

Takeuchi shook his head, “Nope. I was in an accident as a child and didn't get treatment in time. Ended up robbing me of upper body strength and the ability to lift my arms.” He sounded downcast, “It has caused a lot of problems and embarrassment in my life.” He cast an eye at the two officers, “You can talk to my doctor about it. He'll tell you it has only gotten worse with age. I can either lift them higher or I can have them at this height to have actual strength. I can't do more than this without pain.”

Then Agasa began to explain how it must have happened.

Takagi stared at Agasa. He sounded like he was speaking into a microphone or something like that because it almost sounded like he was hearing wind blowing over microphone (or when a person breathed on one). And it looked like his lips did not quite sync with what he was saying. It was a little difficult to tell with his bushy mustache but...

He jumped when Chiba poked him. “Pay attention, Takagi!” Chiba whispered over the wind. “I'm having a hard time hearing what he is saying over the wind.”

Takagi quickly focused his attention back to what Agasa was actually saying, rather than watching him. But the feeling that something was not quite right did not go away.

“And, so, that was how the so-called victim actually staged his suicide to look like a death as revenge against Chikafuji-san.”

“That's rather irrational,” said Chiba.

“He wasn't a very rational man,” rumbled Takeuchi. “I've known him for years and he does, did things to get back at people even if the revenge was to his own detriment. I recommend talking to his last employer.”

Takagi lightly shook his head, “Well, have to clear your... disability with your doctor first before we can let you go. But we'll go down to the station for questioning while the information is checked out. It is warmer and quieter there.”

Takeuchi gave him a wane smile, “I guess that'll work.”

Chiba walked him back to the car while Takagi turned to Agasa and Conan. “Can you two come down and give a statement directly? It would be good to have it recorded.”

Agasa shrugged, “Not a problem.” He looked at Conan.

Conan looked troubled, “I have to get back home. Ran-neechan is expecting me.” He looked up at Takagi with big eyes, “Can I do it some other time?”

“Sure,” Takagi said before he realized what he was saying.

Agasa piped up, “I had better make sure he gets home okay. It's too cold to let him go by himself.” Conan shot him a glare that unsettled Takagi. “I'll come by later.”

“Okay,” Takagi said, allowing the two to leave. Letting them go was not an issue. Just about everyone in the department knew where they lived by now.

ytak, fanfic-nonchallenge

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