Non-challenge: A Policeman's Tale (Day 19)

Jan 01, 2009 21:01

Let the community liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive~~~!  Happy New Year's, everyone!

Title:   A Policeman's Tale (Day 19)
Author: ytak 
Word count:  1238
Rating (chapter):  K+ (PG)  
Rating (whole story):  T (PG-13)
Comments:  Er, I'd lost the urge to write for this for a while.  But I'm bound and determined to finish it this year.  Comments help me write.  *nudge nudge wink wink*

Will link previous 'days' later.

Day 19 
Takagi flipped over the report of the autopsy from the corpse from the night before. The medical examiner concluded that the knife entered through the side and was thrust upward, puncturing the liver. Death had come quickly to the victim. Even if he had been taken to a hospital, his chances would not have been good.

Another report identified the victim as Takumi Uchida. Uchida's wallet was untouched (found in the right pants pocket, saturated with, now dried, blood) and it contained the better part of the paycheck he had cashed hours earlier. The missing amount could be accounted for by a visit to a nearby bar. His drinking buddies had last seen him around 11 pm when they all split up for the night with promises to meet the next day for a full blown, end-of-the-week binge.
There still was the question of the money in the envelope. Did it mean anything? Who did it belong to?

Takagi rubbed his head. The attack and murder of Uchida was deliberate. He was glad that one of the day shift detectives had done the initial questioning but now that he had more on the background of Uchida's friends, he needed to do a more in depth interview.

One of them, a Ryuu Itou once had been a member of the self-defense force in one of the elite units. The bartender reported that Itou had quarreled with Uchida before they all left the bar.

There is no chance of going alone to talk to this guy, he told himself as he looked over the report from the self-defense force. This guy would make mince-meat of me in five minutes!

Takagi looked around for someone that could accompany him, since Shiratori had been ordered to stay home until he felt better.

A good number of the officers present liked the night shift, and consequently, were never assigned to the day shift. He was not sure how to approach any of them.

The urge to smack himself was overwhelming, Good grief! I'm acting like I'm back in elementary school and don't know how to say 'hi' to my new classmates!


Takagi glanced out of the corner of his eye at his temporary partner, Yamazaki. He was easily the largest man in all of the division. In the past, he scared a great many suspects simply by standing behind him and looming. In fact, that was way he had been reassigned to the night shift on a near permanent basis. His very presence cut down on problems from drunk and combative suspects and witnesses.

In spite of this, Yamazaki was a quiet man. No one knew much about him, he kept to himself but always seemed to be around when he was needed. Takagi had a good feeling that Yamazaki was the man to ask to back him up that night.. Before he could approach another officer to ask for backup, Yamazaki approached him and offered his assistance.

They pulled up to the bar that Uchida and his friends had been at the previous night. From outside, they could hear very drunken singing. When they opened the door, their ears were assailed with much off tune, yet enthusiastic, singing.

The bartender noticed their entrance and waved them on over. “Good thing you called before,” he yelled above the singing. “I was able to get them to stay for a free beer.” He waved to an alcove that was partially sheltered from the noise. “Talk back there. It's a lot better than in back 'cause the heat's out and its too cold outside.”

Takagi nodded his thanks and headed to the clearly plastered group singing in the corner. “Itou-san?” Takagi said, trying to get the attention of the largest man. “I'm Detective Takagi and this is Detective Yamazaki. Can you please step over here,” he said, nodding towards the alcove.

“Shuuure,” Itou said, grabbing his beer and standing unsteadily.

Yamazaki smiled as Itou made his way (quite unsteadily) to the alcove. “Whada need, 'tectives?” he asked. “I'll help you however *hick* I can. Gotta do it for my buddy. See... we're celebratin' 'im tonight,” he said, waving a hand back towards the room.

After many false starts and tangents, they finally asked him how he got home the previous night. When the detective from the day shift asked him, he said that he took a taxi but could not find proof.

Itou dug around his pocket a moment and came up with a receipt. “I couldn't remember where I'd put this earlier,” he handed it to Takagi. It was a receipt for a taxi ride. The fare was consistent with a trip to his home and there was a cab number on it. “Hope that helps. I hope you guys catch the bastard that killed Uchida. He was real good about things, good will loans and stuff like that.” They could hear him be called back by his friends. “Need anything else, 'tectives?” he asked.

“Loans?” asked Takagi.

“Yep, if you're in a pinch for a bit of money until the next paycheck, he'd help you out. Even was *hick* real good about letting you pay 'im back when you could.” He waved over in the general direction of the table where the rest of his group were sending off their friend. “Ol' Kenji o'er there just paid back all he owed last week. Rough spot w' the family.” He squinted. “Oh, yeah, he's not here tonight. I remember now. Kid has been sick last couple of days. Been going home straight after work.”

Takagi looked at Yamazaki. The tall man made note of it. That'll be easy enough to check out, thought Takagi.

The next few minutes were spent collecting the contact information of 'Kenji' and anyone who had borrowed money lately from the victim and clarifying a few points that one of the day shift detectives had wanted to know.

Itou kept throwing glances back at his friends. There was a new pitcher of beer on the table and he clearly wanted to share in it. “Anything else, 'tectives?” he asked.

“No. Thank you for your time, Itou-san,” Takagi said.

Takagi and Yamazaki departed the bar and were almost shocked by the silence. “Well, it looks like we don't have any clear suspects at this time,” Takagi said, feeling disgusted.

“At least we know he has loyal friends,” Yamazaki said suddenly causing Takagi to jump. Yamazaki hardly said anything the whole time. “Perhaps one of his money lending deals didn't work out?” he suggested.

Takagi thought about it a moment. “That's what I was thinking. Unfortunately, it'll have to wait,” he said. “It's too late to visit any of his co-workers,” he said, looking at his scribbled notes.

Yamazaki nodded in agreement.

“I'll get my notes copied and delivered to you,” Takagi said, “After my day off tomorrow, I'm back on day shift. If you or no one on the day shift tomorrow haven't gotten in contact with any of these people, I'll check up on them when I'm back on.”

Yamazaki nodded. He rumbled, “I'll also get my notes copied.” He blushed, “I'll have them typed up. My handwriting is terrible.”

They hoped into Takagi's car and headed back while discussing the case. Hopefully some information would come up soon. It was a simply fact that most murdered people knew their murderer.

ytak, fanfic-nonchallenge

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