Challenge 56 ...put me out of my misery, please

Jan 29, 2008 01:52

Title: I need to be shot for this
Author: Kiritsu
Rating: It doesn't deserve one
Word count: More than I want to think about
Disclaimer: Not mine, don't sue...for any reason.
Warnings: Reading this counts as Cruel and Unusual Punishment of your inner editor. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Title: WEVE GOTS A CURE!!!!11!1
Author: me, of course! lmao
Rating: uhm i donno...K? is that even a rating?lolol
Characters: jimmy and Rachel, w/breef aperance of Ai and conan
Word Count: uhm, i donno, lots?lolololol
Warning: wats this heer 4??lolol
Disclaimer: Lyke, if i owned them,w ould i be writing this? lololol

lyke so heers my ficc

So Ai called conan and was all I HAVE A CURE! & he went & got it from her and took it and was all bruning up and stuf caue is makes him burn and steam and srtech and then he comes out all normal adn decides 2 go off ad see rachel and see if maybe shed go out w/himn and so he goes and finds her adn they talk
OMG JIMMY UR BAK!!!!!!1!1!one!!1
YEAH! uh, u know, ur kawaii. u wanna maybe go out w/me?
O HELL YEAH! and ur kawaii 2 u no. i luv u.
i luv u 2 ravheal
so they go out and have lunch an then they go over 2 jimm's house and ratchel is all 'jimmy i want u' and he's all 'i want u 2' and then they go 2 his room and have smex
two months later racel calls jimmu and is lyke, i have gud news!
i's pregnant!
uh, that a gud reactiln?
hells yeah!
and then they wnt and lived ahappily every after adn all taht gud stuff w/theer kid who was jjst as much of a detefcive as his daddy and as gud at karage as ihs mom.


REEVIEWS FEED ME! be kind, this is my furst fic, kthx. hope u all lyked it as much as i lyked writing it!!

*hangs head in shame*
Can someone please put me out of my misery?
I can't believe I actually wrote that.
Sadly, a few mistakes are things I normally would immediately correct. Some came from having Band-Aids on both my pointer fingers. The rest...*twitch*
I am never doing this again.
My poor inner editor is off getting treatment for Bad!Fic induced seizures.

challenge 56, silverdragon_17

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