Okay, make that a three month break...

Jan 28, 2011 19:59

The short story: Have been dating a good guy for six months, but we're currently taking a bit of a break. Upside: I'm back on LJ (I didn't deliberately disappear, I guess I just got distracted).

I haven't read BLEACH since the last arc ended--going to catch up this weekend. In the meantime, link to a wonderful auction-won fic from enisy below. If ( Read more... )

recs: fanfic

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Comments 10

dungeonwriter January 29 2011, 01:09:03 UTC
So glad you're back and best of luck!


manonlechat January 29 2011, 01:41:45 UTC
Thank you! I've missed you in particular. :)


misora January 29 2011, 01:15:46 UTC
Sorry to hear you and the man are on a bit of a break. Hopefully things will work out?

It's hard to balance internet and RL sometimes. drisela has been gone for months, for the same reason. ^^


manonlechat January 29 2011, 01:50:52 UTC
What is it with guys and the six month freak out?? *fumes* :(

It will be okay, one way or another. He's not a jerk--and I was the one to suggest that we see other people. We're having dinner on Sunday, and meanwhile I'm brushing up my online profile. Siiiiiigh.

It's hard to balance internet and RL sometimes.

True. I was seeing Himself two or three times a week (which in retrospect may have been too much), and whatever time was leftover I was trying to spend with friends--I didn't want to let those relationships go unattended.

But I have missed my friends here. :)

I hope drisela is doing well!


(The comment has been removed)

manonlechat January 30 2011, 02:09:56 UTC
Thank you! We'll see...


jade_sabre_301 January 30 2011, 05:28:18 UTC
THAT WAS AN EXCELLENT, FIC, also, fingers crossed for your relationship to make up its mind.

hello! we missed you. :-)


manonlechat February 5 2011, 20:45:57 UTC
Thank you! Alas, the relationship seems to be ending, but it's good to be back among fandom friends. :)


hinodeh January 30 2011, 16:24:36 UTC
Ah, so that's why you were gone for so long. Well, I'm just happy that you were gone due such a joyful occasion, rather than and nasty problems.

Looking forward to what you'll say about recent Bleach.


manonlechat February 5 2011, 20:47:18 UTC
Bleach seems to have changed a lot since the last arc. o_O


hinodeh February 5 2011, 20:53:07 UTC
Yeah, it sure has. Seems to be a parallel to the beginning of the series.

We'll see if that means that some of the past problems have been dropped forever, or not. At any rate, KT said that he wanted to pick up some HM plots again, but he didn't say what he exactly counted as those, so let's see how it goes.

People also find it fishy that except for that cover page we haven't seen Orihime's hairpins in the actual manga and she also didn't heal Ishida when he landed in hospital. Rukia not visiting even via gigai is also mighty strange.


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