My Perfect Night [Suju One-Shot]

Jul 15, 2009 23:45

Title: My Perfect Night
Author: mangalover93
Character: Super Junior: Kyuhyun and Yesung, fictionals: Mai and Katie
Pairing: Main: Katie/Yesung, other: Mai/Kyuhyun
Disclaimer: Unfortunately I don't own Kyuhyun or Yesung or Katie xP
Summary: Kyuhyun, Katie and Yesung have been friends since middle school and they are in their last year of high school. Katie likes Yesung and Yesung like Katie, but he thinks that she and Kyuhyun likes each other. How will this end? Kyuhyun and Katie's sister Mai are scheming something too...
Rating: PG
Genre: Fluff
Author note:
-Birthday present to my friend Katie!!!!!!!! 16th July!!!!!!!! *Hugs*
-I hope you will like it! :D
-First time writing with super junior xP

My Perfect Night

I, Kyuhyun and Yesung. We have been friends since middle school, but me and Kyuhyun have been friends since we were little. Everything goes between us normally. There was no secret between us. Except for one I guess. However, that's a secret I haven't shared to anyone except my little sister, Mai. Only she knew my deepest secret. I sat on my bed thinking hard. Maybe I should just do it. I mean there was only one month left before they were going to get separated for the first time. This is their last year at high school and they are going to different colleges. Letting out a desperate sigh, I took up my phone and called Kyuhyun.

“Hi, Kyu.” I started hesitantly. I really didn't know if I wanted to do this.

“Hey Katie, is something wrong?” he sounded worried just like the Kyu I know.

“Well, erm. You know, erm...” I mumbled. Not really making much sense and only caused Kyuhyun to laugh at me.

“I won't know anything if you don't start to speak properly.”He chuckled. I hate it when he does that. Always teasing me.

“Okay, I change my mind, I'll just tease me if I said it.” I commented and that made him laughed even more.

“What you need my help to find out who Yesung like?”Kyuhyun said that so sudden and bluntly that I just sat there moping. “Katie! Speak!” He shouted when I didn't answer him.

“Y-You knew..”I stated, more to myself than him.

“Of course I knew.” He started then continued when I kept quiet. “It is quite easy to see through you Katie, especially since we have been friends since kindergarden.”

“I'm sorry...” I apologized. He knew the whole time, but I didn't tell him. “..for not telling you...”

“You should be.” Now that didn't make me feel better. “But don't worry about, I guess this was more like a 'girl' thing.”

“Yeah, Mai knows. Well she more got it out of me though. No one can really keep a secret away from her.” I giggled. Yup, that was my sister. Your secrets are safe with her but you can't keep it away from her.

“I guess, she sure has her methods.”Kyuhyun laughed. “But back to you. Why haven't you confessed?” Gosh, he really can change the subjects so fast.

“Why? Because that would chance our relationship, wouldn't it? I mean if he didn't accept it. He wouldn't accept it.” I ended feeling all sad again. Each time Mai has told me to confess I would always say that.

“Duh, it wouldn't chance anything. You should just go for it. As for Yesung, I only know that he likes someone. He wouldn't tell me.” I laughed, I could see that Kyuhyun was pouting on the other side. He would always do that, when he didn't get what he wanted.

“He likes someone...” I trailed off. There went my chance.

“Hey,” He chuckled and in a tone that meant trouble.

“No, not one of your schemes again.” I sighed his schemes always meant trouble.

“Can I talk to Mai?” He asked, oh so he needed her help.

“Sure,” I laid the phone down and screamed. “MAI!”

“What?” She asked as she popped her head into my room.

“Kyu, wants to talk to you.” I handed her the phone, and she took it walking to her own room. I sighed and laid down. Gosh, I wonder what they are planning. They wouldn't tell me even if I asked.


“Hi, Yesung! Over here!” Mai called out to the boy who was walking towards her.

“Hello Mai,” his hands were in his pocket and he really didn't want to come but he didn't have many choice.

“Thank you for helping me out, Yesung oppa,” Then she dragged him without into the mall. He sighed but let her dragged him into all the shops. She was trying to find a present to a boy she liked but since she was a girl, she didn't know what boys liked so she asked Yesung for some advise.

“Yesung oppa, do you think Kyu would like something like this?” She took up two necklaces. One black saying M and a white one saying K. He stared at Mai looking shocked and surprised.

“You are buying stuff for Kyu?” Yesung asked dumbfounded. 'She said that she was looking for something for her boyfriend... Was Kyuhyun her boyfriend? Then what about Katie. I thought Kyuhyun was her boyfriend'

“Yes, it's for our first month anniversary.” Mai smiled. “So about these do you think he will like it?” She asked Yesung when he didn't answer.

“Yeah, but I think you should go with the bracelet for him instead.” Yesung commented and took up a bracelet saying M. “He wears a lot of bracelets.” He continued with as a matter of fact tone.

“Okay then.” Mai said as she took the bracelet and the necklace and paid for them. They left the shop and was still walking in the mall.

“Mai, where are we going now?” Yesung asked still following her. 'Gosh, don't girls get tired when they are shopping.'

“I'm going to thank you for coming with me.” She answered and dragged me into a cafe. 'You could let me go home. I'm dead tired.' Yesung thought that but still kept a smile on his face. “Oppa, what do you want?”

“Anything is fine, but water would be nice.” He smiled and sat down at a table while Mai went to order something.

She came back with a glass with apple juice for her and a cup with hot chocolate for me. Yesung who was pretty surprised was met by a sly smile of hers.

“Katie told me that you love hot chocolate.” She explained sitting down.

“She did?” Yesung let out. 'How did she know anyway?'

“Well, yeah. So how is your life going?” Mai asked out of the blue.

“Okay, I guess. I got into the college I wanted.” Yesung got into a college which was very far away from everyone.

“I heard. Congratulations.” She smiled drank her juice. “So do you have anyone in mind?” She hinted.

“What?” Yesung asked dumbfounded. Which made Mai sighed.

“What I meant was do you have anyone you like?” She put it all very bluntly.

“Ehhe...” He let out awkwardly.

“Well you can just tell me. I won't tell not even to Kyu or Katie! You know I can keep a secret.” She exclaimed excitedly.

“I know...” He hesitated but maybe he could tell her, because he hasn't told anyone. That secret has never left his lips. “Well I like.... erm... um...”

“Don't worry. Just tell me.” She pleaded and nearly begged. For her Yesung was the hardest person to get a secret out.

“Katie...” He whispered and looked away but when he looked back at Mai he was met with a gentle smile. “You knew...” He let out and Mai nodded.

“Yeah, well kind of. You were always looking at her when the three of you are together.” She explained and smiled. “Why didn't you confess?” She asked after a while and was met with silence.

“I thought she liked Kyuhyun, but I guess she doesn't because you and him are together.” Yesung answered more to himself than Mai.

“Well, I know Kyu and Katie seem close and they are but they are no more than close best friends.”

“I see...”

“Why haven't you confessed? You knew when I and Kyu got together, didn't you?” Mai asked. Yesung just looked down at his cup.

“I guess, I'm still afraid... she is my first lover after all.” Yesung explained and startled when Mai suddenly rose and exclaimed.

“Then I'm going to help you.”


Typically my sister and Kyuhyun. They always tease me. Now they set me up without some random guy when they both clearly know that I love Yesung. Why would they do this to me? So here I was waiting for my date to show up in a silver, red short dress with my sister has picked for me. She put make-up on me and wouldn't let me see myself until I left the house. So now I was standing there beside the bench in front of a park.

“Gosh, I wonder who it is.” I mumbled walking back and forth. It was late, dark and cold. The stars was out though. I love watching the stars. They are really beautiful. Someone was walking towards me. I could here footsteps coming closer to me. When I turned around to see who it was I was shocked. It was Yesung! Standing in front of me dressing up nicely with my favorite flowers.

“Hi,” He greeted me shyly and looked down. His face blushed a little. I couldn't see well because the only light was from the moon. Wasn't he just the cutest thing in the world?

“Hey, what are you doing here?” He looked away and I could caught a flash of disappointment and sadness in his eyes. “No don't be sad. What I meant was that I can't believe that my sister and Kyu set me up with you that is like heaven you know. Argh, no I didn't mean it like that. I mean that I would like dating you. No, I didn't mean that. Well not that I don't like you, you know, because I like you. No-” my babbling got stopped but that made go to heaven.

He kissed me! He is kissing me! His lips are still on mine! What am I going to do now?! Am I standing like a stick?! I am kissing him back, aren't I? Oh no! Now he was ending the kiss, retreating a bit from me. Looking everywhere but me. I didn't look at him either. Playing with my fingers I looked at them or my feet or the ground or his feet or knees or chest but never above that.

“Ahem.” He clearly his throat and our eyes finally met again. He handed me the flowers and I took them. I lifted them and let their scent filled me. It was lovely.

“T-Thank you, they are beautiful.” I stuttered and mentally smacked myself. I could never act properly in front of him.

“N-Not as beautiful as you though.” He smiled shyly. What a charmer, right? He was so cute. I just smiled back, feeling that my face was going to explode of embarrassment. I startled a bit when he suddenly reached for my hand and dragged me gently with him.

“Yesung, where are we going?” I asked looking around. We were walking deeper into the park.

He just turned back and smiled at me. Showing now signs of wanting to tell me. I sighed but felt incredibly happy. Yesung was with me. He was my date. The kiss! Now he is holding my hands. The kiss! Then we suddenly stopped and I had tears before I knew it.


We were standing in the middle of the park surrounded by thousands flowers and fireflies. On the ground there were candles and flowers and glimmering stones, there were spelling, I love you, Katie! Then Yesung turned around wiping the tears away and held both my hands, looking deeply into my eyes.

“Katie, I have love you for a long time. A really long time. I didn't confess because I thought you love Kyuhyun.” Speechless I just shook my head. He was just a really close best friend. “I know now, I know since Kyu and Mai got together. But I still didn't have the courage to confess. But I can't hold it in anymore. I love you, Katie. Will you be mine?” I smiled but more tears scrolled down my face. “Katie?” He said worriedly. Afraid that this meant that he was rejected.

“Yes.. Yes! YES!!” I threw my arms around him and he smiled widely embracing me back.

He broke the hug and wiped away my tears.

“Don't cry, I love it when you laugh and smile. So smile for me.” He said and I smiled and laughed.

“Never heard of tears of joy?” I joked and went a bit way from him, and he chased me. Then two figures who were hiding behind some brushes came forth and scared us to death.

“CONGRATULATIONS!” The two figues who were my sister Mai and her boyfriend also my best friend Kyu shouted in our face. Mai gave me a hug and Kyu made a guy movement with Yesung. Then Mai went towards Yesung and Kyu went to me.

“See everything went well.” Kyu smiled to me and gave me a hug. While Mai said something that turned my face into a tomato.

“Welcome to the family brother-in-law.” She smiled and grinned from ear to ear before she ran off to Kyu and they went away screaming.

“WE'LL LEAVE YOU TWO LOVEBIRDS ALONE!!” They turned around giving us thumps-up, then left our sights.

“Don't worry about what Mai said.” I said feeling very, very embarrassed. When Yesung suddenly started to pout looking at me. Feeling really lost I just pinched his cheeks. “Why are you pouting?”

“You gave Kyu a hug.” He mumbled in his weird cute way and that made me laugh, which resulted more pouting from him.

“Aw, you are so cute when you are jealous.” I smiled.

“What am I jealous?” he pointed at himself. “I'm not jealous.” He tried to rub it off, but I winked and gave him a little peck on his cheeks.

“Don't be. Mai is Kyu's. I'm yours.” feeling that my friends would turned red again, I turned around but Yesung turned me back.

“It's not enough.” He whined.

“Huh?” I said dumbfounded. He pointed at his lips then touched mine. Decreasing the distance between us. With my arms around his neck and his around my waist we kissing deeply, pouring out our love for each other. Then Yesung broke the kiss and said.

“I love you.” smiling widely and I returned his smile.

“I love you too.”

We sat down leaning against a tree. My head resting on his shoulder with one of his arms around me and the other holding my hand tightly. Looking up at the beautiful starry sky and a full moon smiling down at us. My perfect night.

I just realized that I haven't posted something in ages. Sorry I'll be back with many updates later today probably ^^ Tell me what you think.

os: my perfect night, f: super junior, c: oc, #oneshot, p: yesung/katie, p: kyuhyun/mai

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