Jun 15, 2009 16:50


Title: X-SOO
Author: mangalover93
Character: Big Bang + X-SOO [Fictional]
Pairing: JiSo, RiSoo, MiTop, DaeJe, TaeJi
[more info about characters and pairing]
Disclaimer: Unfortunately I don't own big bang or know big bang
Summary: YG is holding an international audition online. A friend group of four found out and joined the audition. Will they make it? and if they make it what will happen to them?
Warning: Swearing and bad humor
Author note: Second half of part 8 :P
Earlier updates: ~Part 1~ ~Part 2~ ~Part 3~ ~Part 4~ ~Part 5~ ~Part 6~ ~Part  7~ ~Part 8.1~

Note: Bold = speaking in Korean - if not then the dialogs are in English

Part 8 - 2

Nobody’s POV
“So Ah,” Soo Jung whined.

“What?” So Ah asked panicking.

“I’m afraid.” she whispered.

“I’m too. You know that I’m afraid of the dark.” She held onto Soo Jung.

“It won’t help, if you hold onto me. I’m smaller than you.”

“But it is dark.” So Ah shivered and clang on Soo Jung. Soo Jung sighed. She knew So Ah was afraid of darkness. What she was afraid of wasn’t the darkness itself, but the things that happens when girls were out alone when it is late and in a place like this.

“Soo Jung, I’m scared. What if a monster come out and eat us?! What if the girl from the Ring is behind us?! What if there are pedophile men hiding around?! What if-” So Ah babbled on hysterically and Soo Jung had to stop her.

“Shut up! Don’t scare yourself! You are scaring me too you know!” Soo Jung scolded her. The two of them were shivering, holding onto each other and looking around themselves. Suddenly they heard a bottle hit the ground and sounds of footsteps were coming closer towards them. Even in the darkness they could see a couple of shadows nearing them..

Meanwhile, Ji Yong and Seung Ri were running around looking for the two girls. It was 11 pm now and it was dark.

“What are we going to do now, hyung? We have been running around for at least one hour now.” Seung Ri stopped and panted.

“What else can we do? It is clearly that they are lost.” Ji Yong said tiredly and was catching his breath too.

“WAHH!” They heard someone screaming. Seung Ri gave Ji Yong a look.

“That was-” Ji Yong started.

“Soo Jung,” Seung Ri completed and started to run towards the sound.

“SOO JUNG!” They heard another scream.

“That was So Ah,” Ji Yong said and started to run faster. They ran past many buildings and could near the screaming from the girls more clearly. The sight that met the two boys when they came around the corner made their blood boil. Two men were standing there threatening the girls. They were drunk and one of them still had a bottle in his hands. So Ah was on the ground, her eyes filled with tears and she was shaking. One of them was holding her hand and tried to touch her at the ‘forbidden parts’.

“Bastard!” Ji Yong exclaimed and threw a punch at the man touching So Ah. In the mean time Seung Ri was fighting the man who was holding Soo Jung. He held around her waist and was holding both her hands. She was crying too and trembling, but she still tried to struggle out of his grip. At the same time both Ji Yong and Seung Ri kicked the men in their weak spot and they released the girls. In a flash Seung Ri and Ji Yong dragged the girls behind them and was waiting to see what the men was going to do.

“Damn, you kids. Don't dare think that you can get away with this!” One of the men said and started to walk towards Seung Ri. Soo Jung stood behind him and held onto his back. They retreated together.

“Who do you think you are, huh?” The other guy said and walked towards Ji Yong and So Ah.

“Get back!” Seung Ri and Ji Yong exclaimed and took a stick each and started to hit the men. They were clearly just talk because after a few hit they ran away. Seung Ri and Ji Yong let out a relief sigh and turned their attention to the girls. So Ah was on the ground again, while Soo Jung barely stood and was holding around herself. ¨

Seung Ri’s POV
I felt sorry for the girls.

“Are you two okay?“ I asked. They didn’t answer and were shaking and crying the whole time. Ji Yong hyung was trying to calm So Ah down.

“Sh, it’s okay. They won’t hurt you anymore. Don’t cry.“ Out of the two of them she was the worst. She was crying a river and nothing Ji Yong hyung did calmed her down. Soo Jung was just standing there trembling non-stop, and sometimes it looked like she was going to fall. Then suddenly So Ah stopped crying. Ji Yong hyung was hugging her and stroke her hair, calming her down slowly. “Good girl, don’t cry. You’re not alone.” That sight shook me and I stared at Soo Jung to see her reaction and to my surprise she smiled. A little, tiny smile came across her face. I sighed how could she smile in a situation like this.

“Hyung, I’m taking Soo Jung home first.” He nodded and I dragged Soo Jung after me.

“Yah! You don’t need to drag me, you know? I have legs.” She broke away from my grip and wipe away her tears from earlier. I stopped and studied her. She didn’t cry but she didn’t stop trembling either. Just standing there she kept rubbing her eyes, that was when I noticed, that she was trying to hold in her tears. Without knowing what I did, I took my arms around her and hugged her.

“Idiot, it is alright to cry. You don’t need to hold it in.” I said comforting and patting her head. Then she started to sob and mumbling a lot at the same time.

“Thank you… I was so scared… he… he… I thought…” She buried her face into my chest.

“Sh, it’s okay. Nothing is going to happen to you. You are not alone you know.” I assured her. I smiled as she nodded slowly with her face still close to my chest.

Soo Jung’s POV
This was so embarrassing I hate to cry in front of people, but it felt so good. I was so glad that they found us. I didn’t know how long we have stood like this but it didn’t seem like he would let go, and I didn’t want him to do that either. Then he suddenly released me and said awkwardly and started to walk.

“We should get going.” I nodded and followed him. Suddenly my vision got blurry and I found myself falling on the ground.

“Hey! What’s wrong?” Seung Ri approached me with a worry look on his face.

“It’s nothing..” I tried to assure him, but it didn’t convince him.

“It is not nothing.” He demanded stubbornly.

“I’m just dizzy… I tend to get dizzy if haven’t eaten in a long time.” Trying to stand up, I tripped again. He sighed and shook his head. Bending down to my level he motioned me to get on his back.

“Get on.” he ordered.

“No I can’t!” I protested feeling even more embarrassed and dizzy. My vision didn’t work well.

“Come on, or we won’t get back to the apartment.” He continued to debate with me.

“But I’m heavy.” I said tiredly, feeling worse.

“Don’t worry about that.” He smiled. Wow, he wasn’t as bad as I thought.

“I’m strong.” he smirked. Okay, never mind. He was bad. Leaving me with no other choice and got on his back.

“You were right, you’re heavy.”

“Let me down!” I was hitting him, this definitely didn’t help the dizziness.

“Chillax, I was kidding.” He chuckled.

“Do that again and I’ll puke on you.” I hissed not feeling any better.

“Are you okay?” he asked seriously.

“Just hurry.” I answered and kept my eyes shut, trying to shake away the headache.

Ji Yong's POV
She was a hard girl to comfort. I wondered how long she would be crying if I didn’t stop her by hugging her. It was nice though to hug her, she has finally stopped crying but she was still shaking which was understandable. Who wouldn’t be reacting like this if someone were trying to rape you. I looked at her. She got nice eyes, they were shining like stars. After staying like this for a while I tried to release her. But she didn’t let go.

“Don’t leave me…” She was going to cry again. I patted her head.

“Don’t worry I won’t leave you.” I assured her and reached for her hand to help her get up. She was stilling sitting on the ground.

“Promise?” She took her pinky. I smiled she was so cute.

“I promise.” I helped her up. She smiled for the first time since I and Seung Ri found her and Soo Jung.

“ACHOO!” So Ah sneezed and embraced herself. “Hehe,” she smiled slyly. I sighed and shook my head, while I took of my jacket and wrapped it around her.

“Silly, why didn’t you bring a jacket?” I asked her and started to walk towards our apartment holding her hand.

So Ah's POV
That was so scary! I was already scared when I was walking outside when it was dark and then some stupid, fucking, ugly, creepy shits were trying to rape me and Soo Jung. I was so happy that Ji Yong and Seung Ri came, I didn’t want to think what would happened if they didn’t come. It was kind of worth it though. Ji Yong hugged me and I was wearing his jacket now and he was still holding my hand. Ah, heaven. I must have been smiling like an idiot because he was giving me weird glances.

“What?” I asked more irritated than I was. He smiled. “Do I have something on my face?” I looked at him. His smile made my irritation go away.

“No, why are you smiling all the time?”

“What is it a crime to smile?” I joked.

“No, of course not.” He looked away. “Your smile is way cuter than your tears.” That was a surprised. He complimented me, right? I mean, I’m not dreaming? I pinched my arm. Ow, that hurt. Okay, I wasn’t dreaming. He just stood there with a smirk on his face. I sighed, how long was I going to embarrass myself in front of him. Then he suddenly released my hand. Trying to not look disappointed or scared I looked at him. “We are here and Seung Ri and Soo Jung are here too.” He pointed at them. They were standing a few meters from us and Seung Ri was carrying Soo Jung on his back. What the hell, she was so lucky! She didn’t look well though. Seung Ri walked towards us and greeted.

“Hi, hyung, can you get the door? I’m kind of busy now.” He hinted to Ji Yong.

“What happened?” I and Ji Yong asked in sync. He flashed me a smile before opening the door.

“I don’t know, she said she was dizzy.” He answered quietly.

“Soo Jung?” I touched Soo Jung on her back.

“Hmm…” She let out not looking up. Her head was resting on Seung Ri’s back.

“Are you okay?” I asked worried poking her at her side.

“Yeah, Seung Ri, you can let me down now.” She finally lift her head and she was looking like a ghost. Her face was whiter than snow.

“Gosh, Soo Jung, you look like a ghost!” I exclaimed looking at her.

“Oh, thank you.” She was clearly not in a mood to joke.

“You sure?” Seung Ri asked worriedly, but let her down slowly and gently.

Nobody’s POV
When So Ah, Soo Jung, Ji Yong and Seung Ri entered their apartment Mi Soo and Je Soo gave each of the girls a tight and big hug. Then they were in a big group hug.

“Don’t ever scare us like that again!” Mi Soo and Je Soo scolded the other girls.

“Sorry, our bad.” So Ah stuck out her tongue and smiled playfully.

“What’s wrong with you, Soo Jung?” Je Soo asked Soo Jung.

“You look like a ghost!” Mi Soo added. Soo Jung sighed.

“I have heard that already. We have to get up early tomorrow so let’s go to bed.” She mumbled tiredly then turned towards Ji Yong and Seung Ri. She bowed. “Thank you for saving us.” The other boys looked at her then Ji Yong and Seung Ri. Seung Ri and Ji Yong looked at each other then Ji Yong said.

“You're welcome. We won't let you and So Ah go anywhere alone anymore.” Seung Ri smirked.

“Yeah, so you guys won't get lost again.” he added a wink.

“What happened?” Mi Soo and Je Soo demanded. Soo Jung yawned.

“Tomorrow. Je Soo you have the responsible to wake us up tomorrow.” she ordered and made her way to her room weirdly.

“Why me?” Je Soo asked pointing at herself looking at the others.

“Because you are a loser.” So Ah commented.

“Why is she walking so strange?” Top asked out loud.

“Maybe someone should help her?” Daesung remarked.

“Yeah, she doesn't look good.” Everyone was staring at Seung Ri.

“What?” he exclaimed.

“I don't need any help, thank you! Je Soo you better wake us up tomorrow or you are going to get it! Mi Soo and So Ah put on your alarms too!” Bang! Soo Jung slammed the door.

“She is clearly not in the mood.” Ji Yong noted. “Okay, get to bed everyone. We have early practice tomorrow too.” he clapped his hands. The girls sighed and started to walk towards their room. Top and Daesung went to theirs, only Taeyang was staying and gave Ji Yong and Seung Ri a sly look.

“Looks like you guys fixed it.” He chuckled.

“Oh, shut up.” Ji Yong hit Taeyang arm playfully.

“Hyung, don't get it wrongly.” Seung Ri murmured.

Everyone said good night to each other.

Last half of part 8! :D ENJOY!!

c: oc, f: big bang, s: x-soo, p: various

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