Oct 14, 2007 22:36

Hi all.

Time for results for Round 05: The Icontest.

This is the results post for the Senior League. Voting for Junior League has been extended yet again. Please help out by voting HERE.

NOTE: Even after a participant is eliminated, they still keep their DM and their items. THERE IS A REASON FOR THIS. If I ever fix my tablet OR find something else to be done with the money (...I'm working on it hohoho), you can STILL use the items/DM you got before you were eliminated.

NOTE NUMBER TWO: Daylight Savings has just become active where I live (Brazil) which means that, from now on, the deadline for VOTING will be pushed back one hour, and be 9:00 PM GMT-3:00. The deadline for submitting stays the same.

If you happen to notice any issues with your results, point it out and I'll fix it ASAP.

There were no withdrawals or disqualifications this week in Senior League.

Anyway, here are results. We have 5 eliminations this week...

Dim the lights please.

Round 05: Eliminations
Eliminations this round were very, very painful. Two of these participants had actually won points - one of them, in fact, had gained +3 points. 3 participants from the lower tier used their skips or didn't submit, which negatively affected these participants... I'm very sorry to eliminate you all, and I wanted to congratulate the two who actually won points. It wasn't enough to save you, but it was a great effort and I as the mod of this contest know that it's very much a feat for low-ranking participants to win points. Excellent job, guys, and I hope you're not too discouraged. ♥

...were all eliminated with 5 points left.

...were both eliminated with 4 points left.

To all our eliminees: Thank you very much for your participation, and we hope you're not discouraged by this! As promised, you may continue to participate in the challenge, if you wish - your icons will not be eligible for points or voting, but they will be eligible for critiques (my own included), much like JL icons are. You can also continue to participate in the bonus rounds and play around with your avatar, if that's your thing. :3 If not, we still hope to see you again next round!

Round 05: People's Choices
Comment to this post if you all would like banners. :3

[#02] +65 overall points

[#15] +33 overall points

[#21] +24 overall points

Round 04: Category Winners
No banners are offered for individual category winners.


[#02] +39 points

[#20] +22 points

[#21] +18 points

The winner for this category was actually #02 with +26 points, but since the same person can't win more than once, first place was passed on to the next highest scorer.

[#13] +20 points

[#01] +18 points


[#02] +21 points

[#06] +18 points


[#15] +21 points

[#10] +18 points

* point loss from worst overall is listed below. Congratulations! You've found an easter egg! Comment to this post with "but white text is so overused ;_;" to claim your reward of 30 DM! There's more easter eggs so you can keep searching and comment with all the passwords in one go.

There were no moderator's choices this round.

Round 05: Point Gains


Please add up all of the point gains/losses for the total points.


+3 points
* Genjo Sanzo (Best Overall)

+2 points
* Kazuma Azuma (Most Negative)
* L (2nd Best Overall)
* Risa Koizumi (Funniest)
* Shun Kakei (Most Positive)

+1 point
* Lelouch Lamperouge (3rd Best Overall)
* Moto (2nd Most Negative)
* Naoto Fuyumine (2nd Funniest)
* Ulquiorra Schiffer (2nd Most Positive)

-3 points
* Cesare Borgia (Worst Overall)

-2 points
* Celine Jules (2nd Worst Overall)

-1 point
* Kyoko Kirisaki (3rd Worst Overall)


+2 points
* Celine Jules
* Cesare Borgia
* Genjo Sanzo
* Lambo
* Lelouch Lamperouge
* Masataka Takayanagi
* Moto
* Naoto Fuyumine
* Nill
* Risa Koizumi
* Sakura
* Sena Kobayakawa
* Tetsu
* Yuuta

People's Choices (+2 points)
1. Genjo Sanzou (#02, top tier, +65)
2. Risa Koizumi (#15, middle tier, +33)
3. Lelouch Lamperouge (#21, bottom tier, +24)

Overall Rankings

1. Genjo Sanzou (+65)
2. Kazuma Azuma (+37)
3. Risa Koizumi (+33)
4. Lelouch Lamperouge (+24)
5. Shun Kakei (+22)
6. Sakura (+20)
6. Naoto Fuyumine (+20)
8. Lambo (+18)
9. Hokuto Umeda (+16)
10. Masataka Takayanagi (+15)
11. L (+14)
12. Ulquiorra Schiffer (+12)
13. Yuuta (+11)
14. Ryouki Tachibana (+7)
15. Kururu Sumeragi (+1)
16. Moto (-1)
17. Nill (-6)
18. Kyoko Kirisaki (-10)
19. Tetsu (-15)
20. Celine Jules (-18)
21. Cesare Borgia (-31)
OSNP! It's another easter egg! Reply to this post with "not MORE white text" to claim another 40 DM!

link to voting table here;

Comment to this post if you'd like to see your critiques and the detailed favorite point log, stating your avatar and icon number. Some crits may have been harsh, so make sure you can handle them! All crits are 100% anonymous, and crits will be screened - if you don't get comments e-mailed to you, leave your e-mail address here and I'll e-mail your crits instead.

PCs, comment to this post to claim your banners (which will be handed out as soon as possible). Please do not display these banners publicly until you get eliminated or win the competition.

Comments in this post are, as usual, screened.

If you did badly, don't be discouraged! Take your crits into consideration and do your best in future rounds. :3

Round 06 will be up soon!

round 05, challenge 2, results

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