Sep 24, 2007 20:51

NOTE: My tablet is currently um not working. I don't know when I'll get it fixed - hopefully ASAP, but yes. I can't work on avatars until I do, so please be aware of this when participating in the bonus rounds.

Anyway, back to our adventurous adventure, the adventurers ventured into the woods, past those annoying Knights of Ni.

Deep within the woods, they find... ...

...a manor? Who the hell builds a manor in the woods?

...Well, at least it looks like a mighty fine manor.

You don't have to go into the manor if you don't want to, silly. You can just walk right past it, but... you might miss out on the AWESOME TREASURES within...

Of course, you can opt to not be a wuss, and go in the manor! Great, no?

...Well, no. Because...



When you walk into the manor, you find a stinky, bloody, ugly, mutilated, deformed, violat-- ...uhh there's a body on the floor.

Oh no! Someone was killed in here!

And you - you are an adventurous adventurer. You can't simply NOT look into the matter of the mystery manor murder. You HAVE to know more.

After some searching, you find a book with instructions. It looks like the murderer wants to play a little game. They left some clues for you, and now you have to put your brains to good use...


Your objective is to guess which are the three cards that will solve the mystery. The first card will display the identity of the murderer. The second card will display the weapon used. The third card will show the room the murder took place in.

The possibilities are:

Colonel Mustard || Reverend Green || Professor Plum || Miss Scarlett || Mrs. White || Mrs. Peacock

If you can guess the name of the murderer correctly by the end of the round, you will win 100 DM.

Card 2 [WEAPON]
Revolver || Dagger || Lead Piping || Rope || Spanner || Candlestick

If you can guess the name of the weapon correctly by the end of the round, you will win 100 DM.

Card 3 [ROOM]
Kitchen || Dining Room || Lounge || Hall || Study || Library || Billiard Room || Conservatory || Ballroom

If you can guess the room correctly by the end of the round, you will win 150 DM.

Note that prizes are cumulative. If you can guess two out of three cards you'll win the prizes for both.

If you happened to make a correct guess at some point but changed your guess later, you'll win a consolation prize of 20 DM (per correct guess, only once per card).

The guessing game works like this:

Comment here stating your avatar. I will give you five random "cards". Obviously, having these cards will mean that they're not among the three mystery cards - so basically, you will know five cards that aren't the correct answer, which will increase your chances of guessing correctly a bit.

After I've given you the five cards, you can make two types of guesses. Both involve naming a murderer, a weapon, and a room.

Suggestion: This is not a definite guess. When you make a suggestion, I will comment in turn. If your suggestion can be disproved somehow - either because you have one, two, or all three cards wrong - I will tell you that one of the cards is wrong. After that, you can make another suggestion.

You can only make up to five suggestions total before you have to make an Accusation. You can, of course, make your accusation earlier, especially if I can't disprove your suggestion!

Accusation: Your definite and final guess. You have to make an accusation to win the game. If your last guess was a suggestion, even if it was correct, you will not win any prizes.

Once you make an accusation, it can't be changed, even if you delete your comment, so think carefully before making one. If your accusation has correct elements, you'll win the shiny money prizes! If it doesn't, you can still win the consolation prizes.


Here's an example. THIS IS AN EXAMPLE! Don't go thinking this is the real answer, now.

Pedobear comments saying:

** Avatar: Pedobear

neonclover gives Pedobear his five cards:

** Reverend Green, Mrs. Peacock, Dagger, Hall, Ballroom

Now, Pedobear knows it wasn't Reverend Green or Mrs. Peacock. It wasn't with the Dagger. And it wasn't in the Hall or the Ballroom.

So, Pedobear makes a suggestion:

** I suggest it was Ms. Scarlett, with the Candlestick, in the Dining Room.

However, Pedobear's suggestion is not correct, so neonclover says:

** It wasn't in the Dining Room.

Now all Pedobear knows is that it wasn't in the Dining Room. THIS DOES NOT MEAN IT WAS MS. SCARLETT, NOR THAT IT WAS WITH THE CANDLESTICK. Pedobear does not know whether those guesses were correct.

Anyway, more suggestions later, Pedobear is pretty confident he knows the answer. Pedobear makes an accusation.

** I accuse Colonel Mustard, with the Revolver, in the Library.

When results come out, Pedobear finds out it was Miss Scarlett, with the Revolver, in the Study.

Yay! Pedobear got the Revolver correctly! Pedobear wins 100 DM.
But... Pedobear didn't guess the room correctly,
and Pedobear didn't guess the murderer correctly. Even though he HAD guessed Miss Scarlett once, he decided to change his guess... so he wins the consolation prize, 20 DM. And of course, since he never did mention the Study, he doesn't win any consolation prizes for the room.

Hopefully that has made it a little clearer. This plays out a little bit like the game Clue does, so if you've played that before, yay. XD;

You have until Saturday, October 6th at 10:00 PM GMT -3:00 to solve the mystery. Remember you can make up to 5 suggestions before you make your accusation.

Good luck to everyone and happy mystery solving!

EDIT: All my replies will be screened. If you don't have comment notification on, I will e-mail them to you instead.

Edit 2: Oh, and of course, no sharing the cards/clues you got with people! Don't ruin the fun of the game. :(

challenge 2, round 04, bonus stage

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