Fic (Figure Skating RPS/ Stargate Atlantis): Centrifugal (Johhny/ Stéphane)

Jul 02, 2010 17:07

Figure Skating RPS/ Stargate Atlantis (Johnny Weir/ Stéphane Lambiel, Evan Lysacek, PG-13)
Author's Notes: 3358 words. A sequel to Centripetal. 12 years of fanfiction writing and this is the first story I can legitimately call a sequel. I think that warrants a drink. Speaking of drinks, leksa went above and beyond the call of duty on this ( Read more... )

fic figure skating rps, fic sga

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Comments 17

nikibee July 2 2010, 10:46:46 UTC
Standing in the gate room, with his hands raised above his head, is Johnny Weir. He’s dressed in a sequinned tux with a bow tie and his bangs are curled across his forehead. He looks like he’s just been plucked off a red carpet.


"Um," Stéphane looks at the ceiling. "I think I might have wished Johnny here."AKJSDFHGJAKSLFDHKAL ATLANTIS LOVES STEPHANE AND GOT HIM A JOHNNY ( ... )


mandysbitch July 5 2010, 14:54:09 UTC
Rodney Fucking McKay watches Be Good Johnny Weir! I bet he's figured out a way to secretly download and encode episodes during the weekly data bursts to and from the SGC so that no one else will know what he's receiving.

He's seeekritly a figure skating fan. He just pretends to like ice hockey because he thinks it makes him look more manly.

Dare I hope that there will be more of this universe?

It took me 12 years to write a sequel to anything I'd written so the third in a trilogy might be expecting a bit much. I suppose if I had an idea (which is how the sequel happened) it could happen. But it's nice to know it would be appreciated. *g*

But I had a lot of fun crossing SGA and figure skating. Waaaay too much fun. *g*

Glad you liked it too. Thanks for the comments.


extemporally July 2 2010, 14:20:57 UTC
Oh my god, this is like the happiest cracked-out ending for them ever and I love it so much. Evan the robot! No more animosity! Promises to Stephane! And a viable career for Johnny! This is like everything I have ever wanted for Johnny Weir, only better because it takes place in outer space. AMAZING. ♥♥♥


mandysbitch July 6 2010, 14:38:41 UTC
I had this idea for Evan the Evil!robot a while back. He was supposed to kidnap Stephane and then Johnny had to save him! With ice skating! Or pointy shoes! I can't remember how it went - but that story was too epic for me. *g* So the Evanbot made an appearance here.

I too wish they could live happily ever after in space. *Sigh*

So glad you enjoyed the story. Thanks for commenting.:)


hildigunnur July 2 2010, 16:01:43 UTC
If I were to give you a totally honest review, I would have to take pictures of my facial expressions as I read the story. Though my face was mostly :D the entire time.

I mean, Evan having been a robot for four years. Atlantis bringing Johnny to Stéphane. The Atlantis crew having seen BGJW. Just everything about this fic is golden.


mandysbitch July 6 2010, 14:40:00 UTC
I would have to take pictures of my facial expressions as I read the story.

Ha! That would have been hilarious. And certainly novel. :)

VEry glad you liked the story. Had a bit too much fun playing in this universe. hee hee.

thanks for the comments. :)


subaruke July 2 2010, 16:39:11 UTC
Ok, just before reading a single word of this unquestionably fabulous sequel, can I just tell you how much I love you for writing a sequel? And for bringing together FS & SGA in general? :')

Brb, reading now...


mandysbitch July 6 2010, 14:40:51 UTC
I'm really happy I wrote a sequel too! That never happens to me! First time for everything I guess.

Thanks for reading!


♥♥♥! aurora_84 July 3 2010, 21:23:48 UTC
12 years of fanfiction writing and this is the first story I can legitimately call a sequel. I think that warrants a drink.

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Johnny in Atlantis! Of course Atlantis brought him there for Stéphane, of course. :D

“The robot can mimic facial expressions,” McKay says to Johnny. "Just because you have an intimate relationship with your vacuum cleaner, doesn't mean you know anything about artificial intelligence."

"We weren't exactly friends. And I may have called you a slore on national television."
Evan looks blank. "I don't even know what that means."
*pets Evan on the head*

Stéphane skates idly around the edge of the rink, watching Johnny. "Dr McKay says the ice is composed of tiny robots,” he says. “He called them nanites. They fix the ice themselves."
Coooooooooooool!! Seriously beyond cool.

Johnny glides to edge, steps off the ice, and sits down on the floor to unlace his skates. "Is it just me,” he says, “or do you also feel better ( ... )


Re: ♥♥♥! mandysbitch July 6 2010, 14:43:55 UTC

Thank you! *hic*

*pets Evan on the head*

AW poor Evan. He's just so inanimate sometimes! Seriously, that joke about him on ontd_skating about him being a brobot just cracks me up because you look at pictures of him and he TOTALLY looks like he's charging.

Of course, there's heaps of photos of him where he's emoting too, it's just not as funny.

Be Good Johnny Weir in Space breaks all rating records. It would!

Thanks for reading - and pimping! Glad you had fun. I sure did!


Re: ♥♥♥! aurora_84 July 6 2010, 19:25:57 UTC
and he TOTALLY looks like he's charging.
HE DOES! There is at least some (semblance of) truth to those robot jokes, there really is.


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