
Jul 28, 2006 15:25

Title: The People You Meet
Fandom: Oz/Stargate Atlantis
Category: Crossover - and a little on the 'AU' side - with fries to go.
Pairing: Chris Keller/ Rodney McKay
Rating: NC-17
Summary: “McKay is kind of interesting in the way train wrecks are. He makes out like he’s scared of everything from scantily clad women to citrus, and yet he walked right ( Read more... )

fic oz, fic sga

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Comments 73

unwinding July 28 2006, 08:23:36 UTC
That's a fucking amazing story there. You nailed the characters, the plot, the dialogue. LOVED it.


mandysbitch July 28 2006, 08:32:32 UTC
Hey - what are you doing reading fanfiction at work? Shouldn't you be suing somebody or something?

But I am *really* pleased to hear you liked it. It means a lot to me - especially the part about the plot because plots just kick my butt, I tell you! Damn nearly drove me to insanity working that out - and it's not like it's even that fucking complex!

Anyway, thanks - I appreciate it - immensely.

(PS: are you feeling the Rodney love yet?)


unwinding July 28 2006, 08:49:18 UTC
yeah, i did have a couple of twinges of ah, should i be reading this here... but, you know, what's the point in being a PARTNER if i can't read about blowjobs at my desk, huh?
i think you write keller best of all, actually, better than any other character you've done. i think you do a superb job with him and you did a superb job with this. that wonderful tension between mckay's arrogance and his desire. i'm not feeling the love at all (like my men arrogant but a different kind...) but i am awfully fond of him ie, i might let him touch my boobie if he got me drunk enough but NOTHING MORE.


mandysbitch July 28 2006, 08:53:21 UTC
what's the point in being a PARTNER if i can't read about blowjobs at my desk, huh?


Actually, the fact that I'm posting at work is more of a concern...

might let him touch my boobie if he got me drunk enough but NOTHING MORE.

AHA HA HA HA HA!! Oh, Rodney, won't you touch my boobie? That should be a song...


buddleia July 28 2006, 09:40:06 UTC
Oh, coooool. And I've never even seen Oz, or not more than half an episode.


mandysbitch July 29 2006, 05:48:25 UTC
Well, it's my personal recommendation that you watch Oz. EVERYONE should watch Oz. Keller is awesome: 100% pure sex. And he knows it. And the slash is canon! What more do you want? *g*}

But I'm glad you read the story anyway. Thanks. :)


grey_bard July 28 2006, 10:43:30 UTC
I'm never one to say no to porn, but I have to say, my favorite bits were McKay partially bluffing Turnley and having the nerve to call the men in black right in front of Turnley's when the man has no clue that he's about to be screwed.


mandysbitch July 29 2006, 06:13:31 UTC
McKay partially bluffing Turnley and having the nerve to call the men in black right in front of Turnley's when the man has no clue that he's about to be screwed.

Ha! Yeah, it's a bit of a cheat to not go too far into depth about how McKay pulled it off, but let's just say he's a smart guy and Turnley is *so* not.

Glad it worked for you though. Thanks for commenting.:)


ijemanja July 28 2006, 11:14:22 UTC
McKay’s eyes go all deer-in-headlights. “I haven’t even had lunch…”

Hee! I love McKay. Not all that into SGA, but I do love McKay. And I always dig your Keller, so I just had to take a look at this. A great read, and a great pairing that actually works really well - or it could just be that you can pull off a crossover like nobody's business. The characters are so them, but with just enough flexibility around the edges that their respective universes don't clash. Or something.

Awesome work. :)

(Also, I squeed when the new lawyer came in at the end because I KNEW it was Toby.)


mandysbitch July 29 2006, 11:17:43 UTC
A great read, and a great pairing that actually works really well - or it could just be that you can pull off a crossover like nobody's business.

They're actually a lot easier to mesh than you think - it was amazing how much I kept thinking of Beecher when writing Rodney and Sheppard when writing Keller. Weird. There's a real brains versus brawn dynamic to both pairings - so transplanting one into the universe of the other wasn't that hard. And Keller is kind of a little black dress... he goes with everything and everyone.

Also, I squeed when the new lawyer came in at the end because I KNEW it was Toby.)

Which is *great* because i agonised over whether that was too cute - but then I thought, what the hell, let's be cute. And my dear beta reader liked it so I figured that was at least one positive vote. *g*

So glad you enjoyed. Thanks for the lovely comments. :)


grey853 July 28 2006, 13:17:39 UTC
What an odd xover idea, Keller/McKay, good god. You'd think Chris would eat Rodney alive, well, in a dangerous way, but I like how Rodney is able to hold his own against the tough guy. Very well done and it works. It's also a very hot idea.


mandysbitch July 30 2006, 03:11:35 UTC
What an odd xover idea, Keller/McKay, good god.

There were so many of us who'd come from Oz fandom to SGA so I thought it must be time for a combo. :)

You'd think Chris would eat Rodney alive, well, in a dangerous way, but I like how Rodney is able to hold his own against the tough guy.

Fortunately, Chris is a lover not a fighter. And while Rodney can be a little oblivious at times he's no dufus.

Very well done and it works. It's also a very hot idea.

I'm glad you thought so. Thanks for coming along on the wild and wacky ride with me. *g*


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