
Mar 16, 2006 19:15

So this is my Atlantis Urban Legend Challenge story. I started this thing FOUR TIMES goddammit. I keep saying, "no more challenges" and then there's the wingswing and femslash06 and the Bordy's 5th Birthday...

Yeah. So anyway...

Title: Artistry in Chaos
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Category: Sheppard/ McKay
Rating: NC-17
Summary: "Many random events come together to ( Read more... )

fic sga

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Comments 110

fairestcat March 16 2006, 15:09:24 UTC
I really enjoyed this. It has a wonderful flow and feel and you get nicely inside John's head.


mandysbitch March 18 2006, 01:50:08 UTC
It has a wonderful flow and feel and you get nicely inside John's head.

Ah, but it's nicer on the outside... ;)

Thanks. Glad you liked the story.


mecurtin March 16 2006, 15:28:26 UTC
I love coming out stories. And stories where John is fucked-up. What makes this story so special and different and so much like canon is that it isn't the usual mistaken-intentions missed-cues thing, it's the John & Rodney who are in sync, the Wonder Twins -- John knows that Rodney knows that John knows.


John lifts the edge of Rodney’s newspaper, looking for the cartoons.

With the New York Times, he'll be looking forever: no cartoons. But their sports section (never "sporting" in USan) *is* a joke.


mandysbitch March 18 2006, 01:53:53 UTC
it's the John & Rodney who are in sync, the Wonder Twins

Aw, the Wonder Twins! That's so cute - and so them.

Thanks. Glad you enjoyed it.

With the New York Times, he'll be looking forever: no cartoons. But their sports section (never "sporting" in USan) *is* a joke.

In my defence, I said "newspapers" to suggest they were reading more than one. I checked the New York Times online to see if they had a "sports" section - which they did, but not being a sports fan myself I didn't know how good it was. I guess John was desperate. *g*


palebluebell March 16 2006, 15:30:54 UTC
I do love all your writing, and this isn't the exception: it's so good.

I loved the spooling out of ideas; how you explained complicated notions simply and related them so closely to what was going on. The pace was perfect, and the dialogue was like like hearing them talk - it was so on the mark.

Everything about this was lovely, and the delicious hot thrown in along the way was just the cherry on top.


mandysbitch March 18 2006, 02:23:37 UTC
I loved the spooling out of ideas; how you explained complicated notions simply and related them so closely to what was going on.

I'm reading a lot of quantum theory at the moment. Currently reading a book about relativity so a lot of that found it's way into the story. I'm only explaining the bits I understand because a lot of it is too complex to get my head around. I make out like I'm smarter than I am! I'm such a fraud...*g*

But I *do* like the metaphoric application of a lot of this theory. It's rather beautiful.

Speaking of beautiful, I've seen your icon around - who is that? Pretty.

And thanks for the comments - much appreciated.


palebluebell March 18 2006, 15:43:24 UTC
Thank you.

And the picture is of the incomparable Lady of Ring, the living goddess that is Liv Tyler. Whom I fell utterly in love when I read the wee story of how she complained bitterly about having to ride that beautiful horse in the LoTR. She apparently said things like: Isn't this a little dangerous? No one told me I had to do *this*. And my favourite: I haven't been paid enough for this shit.

Heh! Both beautiful *and* a women of great common sense.


mandysbitch March 21 2006, 07:21:08 UTC
oh - never saw LotR would you believe. Cool story. With all these actors doing their own stunts these days it's nice to see a woman who quite sensibly would rather see it left to the experts.

And it's a *pretty* picture. :)


reginabellatrix March 16 2006, 15:47:50 UTC
Awww... I like this. The end image of John and Rodney curled up on the couch together was especially nice. I have a soft spot for the boys being domestic.


mandysbitch March 18 2006, 04:47:29 UTC
I have a soft spot for the boys being domestic.

I know what you mean - it's nice to think of them doing something very "couple-like" - it can't be about sex and near-death experiences all the time, right? *g*

Thanks for the comments. Glad you enjoyed the story.


rogue_planet March 16 2006, 16:07:02 UTC
You do have to admit that statistically, more of the main characters on SGA should be dead. I mean, exactly how many times have SG1 (all, or just Daniel) died? Excellent weaving of the idea that some PTB guards the main characters and won't let them die unless it's part of some grand plot line... I mean design.


mandysbitch March 18 2006, 04:49:47 UTC
Excellent weaving of the idea that some PTB guards the main characters and won't let them die unless it's part of some grand plot line... I mean design.

It's giving credibilty to the incredible. Ah, the magic of television. I'm not touching that English speaking galaxy thing, though. That's beyond my power. ;)

But I like the idea that they might reflect on their specialness. It's a theme I've used before countless times. I'm nothing if not a recycler.

THanks for commenting on the story. :)


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