哀 for sorrow

Apr 16, 2009 16:05

No, this is not an emo post despite the subject line. Actually, it's equal parts fannish glee, pseudo-ship manifesto, and ... okay, a bit of a lamentation over Conan canon ( Read more... )

my childhooooood, because my opinions matter!, obscure ships ftw, neil gaiman is my god, writing, happyness!, my otps pwn you(rs), fangirling is srs bizness, rl

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Comments 17

nigayomogi April 17 2009, 01:00:53 UTC
"Once she knows, do you really think she'll be able to keep it to herself?" Ai asks in the latest arc of Hattori.
After which Hattori is back to asking Shin'ichi why he hasn't told Ran the truth yet, implying he didn't actually buy Haibara's reasoning and flip-flopped on the issue again (or, heh, that he's Bourbon and is figuring out who to add to the hit list ( ... )


mandolin_minuet April 17 2009, 01:13:34 UTC
Indeed, and I did not make the argument of Hattori, but rather of Shinichi himself, who again declined to inform Ran of his secret.

Hold on there, I never implied that I did not respect Ran; I do, in fact, respect and like her character and I think the show sometimes makes her out to be too much of a damsel in distress when she is so clearly capable of kicking ass and not taking bullshit. I beg to differ that it's only been a few times that she's been portrayed as a damsel in distress; she is almost always in need of rescue by Shinichi or her father or both, and I can count on one hand the number of times she's saved the day. That's a deeply flawed portrayal, in my opinion, and I think I did mention that in parentheses above. I can't speak for other fans, obviously, but I think the kind of stuff Shinichi always pulls on Ran, recent episodes included, even if there is a good reason from an objective POV, must sting a hell of a lot and there is no reason for her to just sit there passively and wait for him indefinitely ( ... )


nigayomogi April 17 2009, 15:29:51 UTC
Hold on there, I never implied that I did not respect Ran; I do, in fact, respect and like her character and I think the show sometimes makes her out to be too much of a damsel in distress when she is so clearly capable of kicking ass and not taking bullshit. I beg to differ that it's only been a few times that she's been portrayed as a damsel in distress; she is almost always in need of rescue by Shinichi or her father or both, and I can count on one hand the number of times she's saved the day. That's a deeply flawed portrayal, in my opinion, and I think I did mention that in parentheses above.

Unless there's a lot of damsel-in-distress anime filler I haven't seen, I really can't agree with you on this. This claim annoys me to the point I'll take the time to go back over the manga to count and cite the times where Ran subdues a criminal or saves someone if you want. Even in some cases where Ran really does need to be rescued she's not helpless dead weight in the story (for example she saves two lives in Golden Apple and disarms ( ... )


mandolin_minuet April 17 2009, 17:24:10 UTC
Well, you're welcome to do that if you like and have the time. I am clearly not quite as vested in this argument to review over 500 episodes of anime and god-knows how many chapters manga to give you the same. For starters though, most movies have her as a damsel in distress type, even if she does get gratuitous heroic action as you put it. To me, it's a bandage treatment that Gosho seems to slap on in hopes of convincing us, the audience, that he isn't really painting the larger picture of Ran always in need of rescue. (For the record, Golden Apple is one of the few times I can count that Ran is truly the hero. Chinatown Deja Vu is another, in a different way.) You buy it, I don't. Kicking a few villains is not the same as allowing her to develop as a hero of the story or even enough to counterbalance the gratuitous amount of rescuing that she needs (deadweight or not ( ... )


rae00 April 17 2009, 06:23:33 UTC

As a fellow member of the Ai-comm pointed out to me recently, the newest DC opening has some subtle hints of Ai/Conan, which have been more and more frequent...I'm not sure how much hope to invest in that. As a cynic, I haven't invested any at all yet. XD;

Also, wow, reading "Robin/Raven" outside of the cozy little niche in FF.net I used to keep track of was like resurrecting an old teddy bear from the bottom of a toy chest. Or something. *sweatdrops*

*came here to briefly background-check the new author and got stuck instead*


mandolin_minuet April 17 2009, 17:27:47 UTC
Yes! "Revive" made me happy, especially in that it seemed to follow through on the hints straight to the end, as opposed to throwing some in the middle (like one of the others that I can't remember did). Er, well, I've been very very reluctant to invest any real hope in that pairing being realized in canon romantically (I'll be happy with any real platonic conclusion at this point) since everytime it seems to crop up even a little, the next few episodes are invariably devoted to reaffirming the S/R relationship.

--aldjflasd I am a more vehement Robin/Raven shipper than Conan/Ai one (well, in that I never brought Robin/Star as a long-term thing, whereas I did quite enjoy S/R for a while). XDD


rae00 April 17 2009, 19:46:51 UTC
The first time I saw it, my eyes sort of glazed over except for the few seconds Ai was on screen; after Eve pointed subtle shipping out, I rewatched it and was like, "...Huh. Well. Whaddaya know. :o" Yeeah, as you said in your post, it's like the manga-ka MUST have S/R, and keeps shooting down C/A (in spite of himself?). I like to think it's because he believes nations of little kids everywhere need a fairytale, and not because the he actually believes S/R would be better.

:ooo I...am going to friend you. Yush. And do you have an FF.net account I can stalk? If you've written R/R, I might actually 'know' you already. 8D


mandolin_minuet April 17 2009, 19:57:52 UTC
I ... usually skip the opening and closing themes unless someone specifically points out something to me. XDD Serendipity that I actually watched this one all the way through, I guess. (And I do think it's in spite of himself, or the canon anyway.) I'd like to think so too, although personally I think DC's developed into a more mature series over the years. Lots of dark sinister plots and convoluted logic.

Friended back. :D Umm, nope I stopped dabbling in FF.net years ago, but I did write some R/R while I was in it. >_> It was more of a testament to my brief, but tumultuous fling with Tenipuri than anything. orz


randomaicoholic April 17 2009, 09:17:14 UTC
I've stopped to care for DC canon, and for several damn good reasons, the one mentionned in your post ( ... )


mandolin_minuet April 17 2009, 17:34:04 UTC
Mmn, I still like the canon, and Gosho does see fit to throw us some interesting tidbits sometimes. XD;; Besides, I've been with it for so long that it'd be a shame to let it go now.

-- yes, that. You just condensed my entire thing on the unfeasibilities of S/R into a single sentence. XDDD Although I'm convinced it will be his primary pairing that comes through in the end (unless something drastic happens), I still harbour some hope that it won't be quite as simple as Ran forgiving him after kicking him around for a bit. I hope. Sigh.

ffff I've noticed that too! Like, gdi, okay we get it, stop pulling this Dan Brown tricks and give us some plot direction!! I hope the new movie breathes some more life into this, although I think movies don't count as canon... do they? *doesn't remember that well* And I want to see some more Gin dammit.

XDDD Are you kidding, I adore Gaiman. *points to tag* XD ( ... )


randomaicoholic April 17 2009, 18:14:23 UTC
"Mmn, I still like the canon, and Gosho does see fit to throw us some interesting tidbits sometimes. XD;; Besides, I've been with it for so long that it'd be a shame to let it go now ( ... )


mandolin_minuet April 17 2009, 18:30:47 UTC
It might help that I only watch the anime; I've not been able to find good scanslations for the manga. Also the fact that I am a notorious fandom-hopper and I sort of jump between series all the time. It helps with the overload though. XD

Well, hope for the best but expect the worse is a good philosophy, I have to agree.

I agree completely with your assessment of Gaiman's fans/readers! XD He's easy to convert for, because all you really have to do is persuade someone to try out some of his short stories even. And now I even have a fantabulous movie to throw at people (Coraline, not Stardust XD).

Added~! But just as a forewarning... I do tend to have short attention spans when it comes to fandom, although DC is one of my most consistent ones so. XD;;


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