Betrayal, parts 1 and 2

Jun 22, 2006 11:24

This turned out longer than I thought, so I'll post it in two seperate entries.

Pairings- Mowett/Pullings, Mowett/Rowan

Rated NC-17 just to be safe.

Takes place during The Ionian Mission (so it's bookverse), and I used just a few lines from the book (like the poetry).

My first attempt, please be gentle!

Edited for some atrocious spelling errors!

Part One- You and No Other

" 'If what rhymes ain't poetry, what is?' Bah!!" William Mowett, Second Lieutenant of HMS Surprise, slamed his fist into his pillow. He did not like the new Third Lieutenant. He had not liked him from the moment he had joined Captain Jack Aubrey's crew in HMS Worcester, following them to Surprise. The smug young man seemed determined to usurp Will's place as resident poet of the crew.

Wil sank into his hanging cot in his little box of a cabin. He would have to do something about this. Perhaps a competition during a gunroom dinner? He would run it by Tom Pullings.

As if he'd read Will's mind, Tom entered without knocking. No surprise, after all, the two men had become lovers recently- Article XXIX be damned. Tom had a habit of sneaking into Will's cot whenever both were off-duty.

"You're upset about that twit Rowan again, aren't you?" Tom said as he snuggled against Will.

"I'll get over it." Will replied. "We'll see whose poetry is better- my more modern style or his traditional."

"I'll arrange something with the Captain." Tom looked Will in the eye. "In the meantime, is there anything I can do to make you forget him for a while?" His hand was slowly moving down Will's chest.

Will stared at him. "My God, Tom, we might get caught! Are you insane?!"

"No, Will, just in love." Tom leaned over and kissed him hard. He fumbled with Will's breeches and slid his hand inside. Will bit back a groan as Tom worked his inches. It didn't take long. Tom knew exactly what drove Will mad. He climaxed hard, seeing stars. There's a reason the French call it le petit mort- the little death- Will thought as he relaxed. He kissed Tom tenderly, then decided to return the favor. He took as much of Tom in his mouth as he could. Tom could barely contain himself. Will grinned and wiped his mouth. "I think that's the best we can do until we're on shore again. Anything more, and we'd be caught and hanged for sure."

Tom sighed. "I can live with that for now. I'd better get back to my own cabin. Goodnight. I love you, Will."

"And I love you, Tom. You and no other- remember that."

Tom left, and Will stared at him for a long time. Then he stripped for bed. Before putting on his nightshift, he looked himself over. He was still young, barely thirty, and though he was not classically handsome like Tom, he knew he was attractive to men and women alike. He looked at the part of him Tom had so lovingly caressed, and decided it was just right. Good enough for his Tom.

Who needs to be the best at poetry when I have Tom to love? Will thought as he climbed into his cot. You and no other.

His dreams that night were not of Tom, however.

Part Two- Seduction

Tom made good on his word. The poetry competition took place the following night. Who would win- Mr. Rowan's traditional verse, or Mr. Mowett's more modern compositions?

The ballots were handed out. Tom turned the glass, and Rowan began,

"Dismal was this, many did despair..."

Will found himself lost in Rowan's delivery. There was a passion he had never heard in a poet before.

"...with due submission, pray let me be heard..."

Submission. The word hit Will in the heart. He remembered the dream he had had about the young lieutenant the night before.

"...The wonderful care of Almighty's Providence."

He finished, there was applause, and Will found himself staring into Rowan's eyes. They were dark and seductive. Rowan returned his gaze, and smiled.

Will cleared his throat, and took some port before beginning his poem.

"Tossed on the tide she feels the tempest blow..."

Rowan was looking at him. With lust. Will nearly choked. What was that all about?

"..Let go the sheet! he cries. Impetuous-"

"Time." cried Pullings.

"Oh, Tom." Will sighed.

The contest ended in a draw. Will wasn't disappointed.

Tom had the next watch. Will went towards his own cabin. To his shock, Rowan followed him. Will wasn't quite sure what happened next. Rowan brushed against him. "You're just like me, aren't you?" he purred. They came to Will's cabin. "Mind if I come in?"

Even though he knew it would break Tom's heart, Will let Rowan in. He could not fight the lust he was feeling. The coupling was quick and heated, leaving both men breathless.

Tom will kill me was Will's thought after. Rowan was sliding his hands up and down Will's naked body. "You've never done this the whole way, have you?" He kissed him up and down his chest and belly.

Will blushed. He was still a bit sore from Rowan's entry. "No. I've been too afraid of getting caught. You know what the penalty is."

Rowan laughed as he stroked Will's member. "No need to worry about that. The Captain has had more than his share of lovers on this ship. His cox'n, Bonden, for one."

Will was shocked. He had heard those rumors before.

Rowan grinned again. "Mr. Pullings told me about them. He actually watched them make love- they didn't know he was there. He was amazed!"

The mention of Tom made Will's heart hurt. But he was amused to learn that Tom liked to watch others...

"So why don't you just relax a bit and let yourself go?" Rowan handed Will the vial of oil he had used. He gently kissed and sucked Will until he became hard again. "Your turn." Rowan's eyes glinted.

Will gave in. Rowan lay on his belly, waiting. Will fit himself between Rowan's legs. He rubbed the oil onto his aching erection, and then slid it inside. Rowan groaned softly. Will was amazed by the pleasure. He had been with women before, but this was far more intense. The friction was delicious. He slid in and out of the younger man, and his orgasm nearly made him scream. He rolled off Rowan, panting.

My God, why did I wait so long? I should have done this with Tom months ago.

Tom. Oh, God. What had he done? Betrayed the man he loved- his soul mate- for a sudden, insane desire for a man he barely liked.

A gasp and a sob made him turn. Tom was standing there. How long had he been there?

A little long, I know. I tend to get wordy. I'll post the rest later today. Cross posted to

tom, series, rowan, nc-17, fic, mowett

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