06 __| audio/action;

Oct 23, 2012 17:54

[ Time for a small PSA from Desmond. ]Hey, guys. There's a few of you guys who are new to the city. I figure most of you have your questions answered, but here's what we know so far: Mandalus is a planet in a different reality. The System brought us here to help fight their war, because they think it's going to spread into our worlds and destroy ( Read more... )

desmond miles

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Comments 203

malfunctionbot October 24 2012, 01:10:25 UTC
M-m-monsters? Sure don't like the sound of that....


milesawayfrom October 24 2012, 07:06:38 UTC
I'm guessing you're not used to monster invasions?


malfunctionbot October 25 2012, 05:10:30 UTC
Not really, to be honest. Most we ever had t'deal with was what-what-whatever happened to p-pop outta the multi-dimensional void in my baby brother's chest.


milesawayfrom October 26 2012, 06:51:39 UTC
...The multi-dimensional void out of your brother's chest? [ What the fuck. ]


isnotforsale October 24 2012, 02:31:13 UTC

[The sun's been long down when Kate gets a chance to visit. With Will gone, Kate's second in command at the Sanctuary and that means quite a bit of paperwork and working closely with Dr. Magnus. Kate approaches the building, Chinese takeout in one hand, a six pack in the other. Once inside, she calls his name once.] Jumper! Food!


milesawayfrom October 24 2012, 07:07:39 UTC
[ Desmond looks over from what will eventually be the main desk. He gives Kate a weak smile. His head is still reeling from the death of an ally, and it's bothering him more than maybe it should be. ]

Hey, Kate. Your mom finally let you out to go play?


isnotforsale October 27 2012, 02:31:06 UTC
Yeah. Did my chores and my homework and she said I had to be back by eleven. [She rolls her eyes.] I'm staying out until eleven-thirty. I'm a rebel. [She crosses over to the main desk, setting the bag and the beers down and moves to hug him. She can tell he's off-kilter. He may have a good pokerface, but she's good at reading him. Should be, by now.]

How you doing? [She asks softly, rubbing his side soothingly.]


milesawayfrom October 28 2012, 08:14:01 UTC
You? With a curfew? That's hard to believe. [ He crossed his arms and gave her a look. That's right, Kate. Desmond doesn't buy it. Then he wraps an arm around her, pressing her close for a moment. ]

I'm ... okay. How are you holding up?


broketheloop October 24 2012, 03:14:57 UTC

[Clay's there a little after sunset, checking out his cousin's new digs.] So we're gonna have a secret back room to play poker in? Like in the movies?


milesawayfrom October 24 2012, 07:08:15 UTC
If you think we can get Ezio to play poker. [ Desmond shoves his hands in his pockets. ] We gotta find out where to put the secret room first.


broketheloop October 27 2012, 02:41:51 UTC
Mind if I have a look around? Maybe I can help pick the secret spot. [He takes a glance around the main area.] You thinking somewhere underground, or do you wanna be able to access it from the roof?


milesawayfrom October 28 2012, 08:15:19 UTC
You're good at finding secret shit. [ There's a gesture for Clay to have himself a hayday. ] There's a room in the back that has a hole that leads down to the Underground. I'd figure we'd start there.


lilgreasemonkey October 24 2012, 04:21:08 UTC

[ Kaylee's quick to arrive before the last light of day can go buh bye. She's armed, and with more than just the sizable food bag in her hands, but she's still not getting herself caught by monsters. The pack on her is full of tools for her current project in his bar: fixing up the wiring so they can get some really sweet lighting set up. She's right at home amongst all the wires, and as she gets herself all set up she feels calmer already. It's stressful traveling again :C ]

Des, I'm back!


milesawayfrom October 24 2012, 07:09:15 UTC
[ He peaks out from over the railing of the second floor. That's right. SECOND floor. ]

All in one piece, Kay?


lilgreasemonkey October 26 2012, 06:08:59 UTC
[ Second floor, badass. ] Yep! Got all my limbs still. They were just comin' out for the night an' those zombies ain't too quick. [ She holds up the large food bag. Cue angelic choir. ] I brought ya food!


milesawayfrom October 26 2012, 06:52:13 UTC
I shouldn't be surprised this place has zombies. [ And yet, somehow, he is. ] Yeah? What'd you bring?


daddysknife October 24 2012, 05:21:16 UTC

[Even as completely doped up on painkillers as she is, she has to try to figure out what is going on. Monsters are her kind of thing, after all.]

...What kinda monsters are you talkin' about?


milesawayfrom October 24 2012, 07:09:47 UTC
I've heard about some ghosts from the people wandering the streets. I haven't seen any monsters face to face yet.


daddysknife October 24 2012, 07:25:15 UTC
Damn. Is there a local graveyard?


milesawayfrom October 24 2012, 07:56:18 UTC
Yeah... there's a few actually. Why?


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