
Oct 22, 2012 15:46

[There's the scratch of someone hitting buttons on the communications device, and a quiet, rumbly mutter of - ] ... I do not know what that means. Why give me a phone if this is the end of the world? What will I do if I run out of minutes ( Read more... )


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dowhatimust October 22 2012, 20:31:51 UTC

[Angels do not jerk with surprise, even when they are without their abilities. However, their eyes do widen when a small face appears on their phone.]

Oh. I was unaware phones could do such things. [Neither Dean or Sam had ever told him of such devices. Then again, knowing how difficult he found things like voicemail ...] So - you are also in this city of Mandalus. Is this phone only connected to the city, or might we call ... elsewhere?


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dowhatimust October 24 2012, 03:45:04 UTC
[Ah, it is a smiling human. Well ... that's different. Most of them usually just scowl at him. However the awkwardness is familiar.]

I see ... how does one ... keep up on the districts, or find certain people? [Because he can learn things, if he's tutored. Properly.]


likemichael October 22 2012, 21:00:38 UTC

[The mix of emotions that come bursting up -- anger, happiness, concern, worry -- are all buried for something close to annoyance and Dean frowns at the phone in that way he does when he wants to just tell Cas off but he can't really bring himself to go at it.]

Well, you're a sorry case if I ever saw one. Who says I'm not gonna help you? [He tries to be standoffish because of the last time he saw Castiel, but he can't.] I'll come get you from the station.


dowhatimust October 22 2012, 21:09:41 UTC
[Oh. Oh ... there is only two emotions going through the angel's mind right now. Shame ... and regret. He looks away from the device, as if it will help him avoid the inevitable, and the painful, but necessary action of begging forgiveness for his sins -- ]

Dean - I - [those lips press together.] That is not necessary. I understand that you still have feelings of ... anger, towards me. [The angel drops his head.] I cannot blame you.


likemichael October 22 2012, 21:18:11 UTC
Well, right now I'm more stuck on the fact you're alive considerin' last time I saw you, but this place is full of crazy anyway.

[Dammit, Cas, always making him think about his feelings. He sighs at him and he's already heading out to the car.] Besides, who else is gonna put up with ya. You look like someone just kicked your puppy, man.


dowhatimust October 22 2012, 21:51:01 UTC
I am not completely understanding why I am here, except that it is my punishment from my Father. [Solemn Faced Castiel has arrived.] My hubris has brought me to this end -- but I do not understand why you are being similiarily punished. You have always stood on the side of righteousness.

[This occupies him for a moment .... before he frowns.]

I do not own an infant canine, Dean.


martyrtoscience October 22 2012, 21:04:31 UTC

Well, now I'm curious. What will you do if you run out of minutes?


dowhatimust October 22 2012, 21:11:06 UTC

[Well hello there strange voice.]

I do not know. Not speak on the phone anymore? I do not know where to purchase minutes. [a frown in his voice.] ... I am still confused on how one can purchase time, as well.


martyrtoscience October 22 2012, 21:17:47 UTC
Luckily enough for us, we've been given a completely unlimited cell phone plan in return for our services. [God, this is fun. All the entertaining people have been showing up recently.]

You usually need billions to buy time. That, or amazing genetics and an army of clones. [His clones never work, but his genetics are breathtaking.]


dowhatimust October 22 2012, 21:53:09 UTC
Our Yes. I am also confused by this. I am to save worlds? All worlds? [A pause, then another frown.] And why would they pay me for it with human technology?

Hm. [Listen to the angel chew on that.] I have never found anything beneficial to either one of those in regards to time. But then again, I no longer see the use of having copies of the same thing. Originality ... is important.


notanemptymotto October 23 2012, 05:55:39 UTC

[ Her head tilts ever so slightly. ] I do know a Dean that is present here in the city. He may not be the one you are looking for, but, it is still possible that he is.


dowhatimust October 23 2012, 17:33:47 UTC

[Castiel's head tilts the other direction, and his expression ... becomes less solemn.] Is he a rather ...angry young man who likes burgers, pie, violence, rather confusion pornographical material, Chevy Impalas and hunting?


notanemptymotto October 24 2012, 07:25:58 UTC
[ At that, she laughs. What man isn't really into burgers, pie, violence and some form of pornographic material? ]

I do know a Dean that owns a Chevy Impala. He treats it rather much like his baby.


dowhatimust October 24 2012, 11:48:13 UTC
[Oh, the woman laughed. Good. He was getting better at human humor all the time!]

Ah yes, that is my Dean, then. The Impala is a very important part of his ...Dean-ness. [Yes, there were invisible quotes.] Perhaps - perhaps he has spoken of me. I am Castiel -- Cas.


softwaring October 24 2012, 17:21:49 UTC
It's not that hard! Push a few buttons, read a few things...

Still need some help?


dowhatimust October 24 2012, 18:03:18 UTC
[Well, you get what you ask for ... the angel starts hitting a few buttons and reading what he's hitting.]

... I believe so, because now I have your picture.


softwaring October 24 2012, 18:08:31 UTC
[Deflating at that, and a quick double-take:] Seriously? Yikes, you're learning in all the wrong ways.

Where are you hangin', buddy? I'll come to you. Easier to do this in person, from what it sounds...


dowhatimust October 24 2012, 18:17:31 UTC
[Have you ever seen a grown man do the awkward eight-year-old shuffle of shame? This is what you're seeing right now, Jensen.]

I am currently at the library with my ...with my friend Dean. We are researching the monster events.


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