
Apr 25, 2007 19:34

It's finals week, and what do I do instead of studying, I go to Blockbuster and rent all the movies that I've wanted to see but haven't. I know how to be productive ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

digital_diva April 26 2007, 06:19:34 UTC
Where's JC's song, the add date is less than two weeks away now and You Ruined Me still isn't playing anywhere? What's up? Where's it at?

Here's where I get confused. Again. I thought the add-date was the date radio stations were allowed to start playing the song? So I wasn't yet worried that we didn't hear it anywhere.

It's getting really tough to keep those happy thoughts going.


manda2119 April 26 2007, 07:33:51 UTC
See I always thought that it was released to so many radio stations before the add date and then the add date was when it would start to chart...so since it *should* be playing at a decent amount of stations before the add date then when it charts it'll have a decent head start.

But maybe I'm wrong, maybe the add date is when radio stations are allowed to add the song to their playlist.

*is confused*


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