ответил "нет", но все зависит от обстоятельств. В ближ.месяцы не отключат. Но если росс.хунта устроит кровавую бойню в Укр. или будет поддерживать военные действия там же - отключат. И не только отключат, и не только от свифта.
Зависит от Обамы. Я думаю что либо оружие либо свифт. Но оружейное лобби в штатах сильное, поэтому скорее всего будет оружие и не будет отключения свифта.
Lots of fun here: Europeans Laugh as Lavrov Talks Ukraine "In the span of 45 minutes today, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov rewrote the history of the Cold War, accused the West of fomenting a coup in Ukraine and declared himself a champion of the United Nations Charter. The crowd here in Germany laughed at and then booed him, but he didn’t seem to care.
When Lavrov took the stage Saturday morning at the Munich Security Conference, he knew it was going to be a tough crowd."
"He looked nervous, perhaps because Sergei Ivanov, chief of staff to Russian President Vladimir Putin and Lavrov's superior, was sitting in the front row, staring at him as if to warn him not to mess up. But none of that kept him from turning in an audacious performance". *******www.bloombergview.com/articles/2015-02-08/lavrov-s-comedy-routine-on-ukraine-isn-t-funny-to-europe
Comments 10
Europeans Laugh as Lavrov Talks Ukraine
"In the span of 45 minutes today, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov rewrote the history of the Cold War, accused the West of fomenting a coup in Ukraine and declared himself a champion of the United Nations Charter. The crowd here in Germany laughed at and then booed him, but he didn’t seem to care.
When Lavrov took the stage Saturday morning at the Munich Security Conference, he knew it was going to be a tough crowd."
"He looked nervous, perhaps because Sergei Ivanov, chief of staff to Russian President Vladimir Putin and Lavrov's superior, was sitting in the front row, staring at him as if to warn him not to mess up. But none of that kept him from turning in an audacious performance".
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