New Vid: Stargate Atlantis - Scrapbook of My Life

Aug 20, 2008 17:24

I do feel kinda bad calling this a 'vid' even though it definitely is! :)

There was one person at Vividcon who called this Fanart. To this person I want to say: Thank you! *blushes* I would never ever call my drawings art but it was nice hearing it. *g*
(Sadly, I totally missed who said it otherwise I could have said Thank you in person).

Title: Scrapbook of My Life
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Pairing: John/Rodney (I am so predictable *g*)
Length: 1:24
Song: All I Want Is You by Barry Louis Polisar

>>>download at my DW<<<

*This is the first time I've also put up an ipod friendly mp4 version. I have tested this on my ipod, but if any of you have any problems with this, just let me know.

edit: because I suck and need to thank: cupidsbow for inspiring the vid and helping me making it so much better then it was before! and cathexys for making me add more source footage because it does wok better even if I was doubtful at first. I shouldn't doubt you, clearly! and lim who did a last minute panic consultation thing for me! and anyone else on my flist who was willing to give me a shout out about it!

vids, sga

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