Incidentally, I'm coming home from the 16th - 20th of June (only two weeks away!), so I will see you soon, no worries :)
Also incidentally, I'm also coming home the weekend that happens to be your birthday, because my 1st anniversary with Chirag happens to be the day before your birthday. But we might be going away for a few days that weekend, like to OC or something so that means that I might not be there on your actual birthday...HOWEVER...we should totally do something either a few days before or after while I'm still on the east coast, it'll be biscuits!
Also, are you going to Chris' party on the 17th?
I LOVE YOU!!! I miss you! I was just thinking of you today and how much I miss your craziness....
GINA! I thought you were gone forever! that makes me so happy to hear-I thought you were staying in Chicago until late August.. *hooray!*
and that's so cool that you'll be around for my birthday (that makes me a happy panda)--what days will you be here?
and YES! I am going to Chris's par-tay and going to get crazy-fun-trashed with you! ...I'm so going to regret it the next day because its going to be crazy busy at work
I love you and miss you too!! and can't wait for you to come visit!!
i dont think the imax that's 1/2 block from where i work plays regular movies. , thats what they're showing for hte next month, just national geographic and science stuff.
Do you know how long its been since anyone has called me Burkie?
June 16 2005, 19:39:40 UTC
Hey man, I'm feeling the lonliness blues too. No type of social life here in Bristol, yet and I'm not quite sure how to get one! I'll be back to York a few random times at the end of June and July, I'll stop by and we can comiserate! Love you!
Comments 9
I'd assume they are full length, too-it being a nationally released film..
Incidentally, I'm coming home from the 16th - 20th of June (only two weeks away!), so I will see you soon, no worries :)
Also incidentally, I'm also coming home the weekend that happens to be your birthday, because my 1st anniversary with Chirag happens to be the day before your birthday. But we might be going away for a few days that weekend, like to OC or something so that means that I might not be there on your actual birthday...HOWEVER...we should totally do something either a few days before or after while I'm still on the east coast, it'll be biscuits!
Also, are you going to Chris' party on the 17th?
I LOVE YOU!!! I miss you! I was just thinking of you today and how much I miss your craziness....
and that's so cool that you'll be around for my birthday (that makes me a happy panda)--what days will you be here?
and YES! I am going to Chris's par-tay and going to get crazy-fun-trashed with you! ...I'm so going to regret it the next day because its going to be crazy busy at work
I love you and miss you too!! and can't wait for you to come visit!!
Reply, dude-check that link again... its right there
(and it will be awesome)
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