The lovely and talented
houses7177, she of many awesome fannish and real life powers (only a few of which are scary), posted the following today:
There is a formula written on a sticky note, stuck to my computer monitor. It's been here for over four months, and I have no idea what it means.
CJ = s6 + ASbft
Naturally, I immediately concluded that this needs to be a fic prompt.
THEREFORE: You are hereby challenged to write a story explaining or otherwise interpreting this formula: CJ = s6 + ASbft
RULES: Any fandom or crossover; RPF is welcome. Minimum 500 words.
DEADLINE: This coming Friday, August 14th at midnight EDT.
PRIZES: Everyone who posts a qualifying story by the deadline will receive a personalized icon made by
houses7177, related to the fandom and the challenge. Additionally, I will record a podfic of one of the qualifying stories, selected at random.