Writers/Readers Poll: Who do you love? (dS, SG-1, SGA, BtVS, AtS, and NCIS)

Aug 10, 2007 22:59

Apologies to anyone who caught the brief appearance of the initial version of this poll. I'd made a major mistake, so I deleted and started over. Sorry for the confusion.

One thing that's never far from my awareness when I'm reading fic is who is Most Beloved, and one of the things that I appreciate a lot in reading fic is when I can't tell which character the author loves the most. cesperanza is the first person who comes to mind as a good example; I can never tell who's her favorite, and I really like that.

I'm always concerned about it when I'm writing, trying to make sure that I'm really writing a balanced picture of all the characters.

Of course, there are character-love fics where that's not an issue because it's pretty much the purpose of the story. I'm not knocking this practice, mind you. I've written a couple of stories like this, including at least one that I'm very proud of. But I only want to write this way when it's deliberate, when the whole reason I'm writing is to celebrate one particular character.

For the most part, I spend a lot of time try to write so that readers can't guess who I love best, and I'm often concerned about whether or not I've succeeded at that.

I suspect that one of the reasons I am so happy writing in the due South (and six degrees) fandom is that there are at least two characters and three actors who I truly cannot in any way choose between -- they all have equal places in my heart. And I can't say that in any other fandom.

So I've wondered: What about you? Which actors and characters are your favorites? Do these (favorite character and favorite actor) nearly always match up? Is your favorite usually the hottest or most attractive?

What influence does this have on your writing? How does it impact your perception and enjoyment when you're reading fic?

NOTE: You'll notice that the options differ between dS and the other fandoms. That's because all of the others had too many possible choices, and also (IMO) lacked the overwhelming top-three nature of the choices in dS.

Poll Who do you love?

ETA: I know I'm hit-and-miss in replying to comments, but I'll get to all of you, I promise. But not until tomorrow, because now it's bedtime.

ETA2: Okay, guys, I've spent much of the day replying to comments and I'm almost done... but I'm pooped, and the last few will have to wait. I love you all and your in-depth, thoughtful replies, and I don't want to give you short shrift so I'm going to pick this back up tomorrow.
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