Title: Interrupted (2/?, Tim/Roy, Jason)
Fandom: DCU and Bat-Family
Pairings: Roy/Tim, Jason, with mentions of Roy/Dick and Bruce/Dick
Characters: Roy Haper, Tim Drake, Jason Todd, and mentions of other Bat-Family members.
Word Count: 1865
Rating: Adult, for slashy goodness
Warnings: Slash and one helluva tackle
Previous Chapter:
Jealousy Tim hid a
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Comments 13
Aw Tim and Roy were so adorable in this. Roy was trying so hard to be sweet and romantic and make things special for Tim. It was just so sweet.
Wonderful new part hon.
Me thinks thou protesteth too much young grasshopper........
This went from sweet and lovingly seductive with Roy trying to ease his way into making love to Tim to hilarious with Tim's inner voice and Jason's rude interupption. wonderful balance and great pacing. I was kept interested the whole fic through.
Thanks for sharing this and I look forward to the next installment.
BTW: I love your userpic.
I really liked seeing Tim's POV in this chapter. You did a great job outlining the development of the relationship between Roy and Tim, as well as set up the context with Jason. Roy was so adorable in his pursuit of Tim, from the wanting to take things slow to his nervous celebration of their anniversary to the very unsubtle yet sweet gift. Under all his snark and arrogance, Roy really is a big ol' softy.
Terrific chapter! This is so much fun to read! (oh, and hot too. Did I mention hot? Because, yeah, hot.)
Jason is sooooo protesting too much. In his mind there is only one way Tim's question could've ended and he wasn't going to stand there and be accused of being jealous. I'm glad it was hot, I was going for hot. Hopefully next time will be hotter.
Thanks for telling me about darthbatgirl's writing. I've been checking it out and it's awesome.
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