Title:Four ways in which Harry Potter listened to the advice of Seamus Finnegan (or how to sex-up a Slytherin)
Author: Jess
Rating: PG/R
Disclaimer: Not mine
Notes: Sequel of sorts to:
Five ways in which Draco Malfoy ignored the advice of Blaise Zabini (or how to bag a Gryffindor) (
Hermione Granger was sitting in the Gryffindor common room... )
Comments 14
“S’what we’re famous for. Pouncing into danger, pouncing into idiotic situations, pouncing into bed - like lions mate, pouncing lions.”
Which predictably, being the longest sentence was the one Harry heard.
“I take it Mistress Bitch didn’t go down well?”
A dementor? Mash and gravy (ewwww!)? Harry fails at hardcore! Though, apparently, Harry in a school skirt works!
“Potter you utter pillock! How on earth would you think I would get bored of you, with the snuggling and the kissing and the pouncing! Especially the pouncing!” ... “But fuck me Potter,” continued Draco, “right now I could pounce on you.” Awwwwww!
Fabulous! Funny, sweet and cute!
Heh, I am sure with proper instruction Harry will get better at hardcore. :P
Ahahaha, you are completely made of awesome! :D (And nice to know Draco liked the pouncing after all. *g*)
I've just discovered this series of yours, and the first one was also wonderful. Thanks for sharing your lovely Harry/Draco love! *hugs*
aw, thank you and I am glad you enjoyed ♥
That was wonderful! And the first one was, too!
Loved it!
Thank you
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