Smokey is a monster with numerous delightful
abilities. Because most of them require not only permission but extensive detail from you before I can attempt to incorporate his powers into the game, I'd totally appreciate it if you'd fill out the following permissions form for any characters who might potentially get involved with him.
Mun contact info:
Character name:
Character journal:
Character info link:
Can Smokey "scan" your character?: ONLY APPLIES TO HUMANS. This is all or nothing. If you give permission to do this, then he'll know everything that has ever happened to your character, including in-game interactions. He will use this information to his benefit.
If yes, who from their past might he impersonate?: He's a shapeshifter who likes to impersonate loved ones (especially deceased) of the people he's messing with. Please include a picture of the person and a wiki/information link.
Can Smokey kill or maim your character?:
Can Smokey bring your character back to life?: Answer carefully, because allowing him to do that will
infect your character with his evil influence. And yes, another death would restore them to normal.
Mun contact info:Character name:Character journal:Character info link:Can Smokey "scan" your character?: If yes, who from their past might he impersonate?:
Can Smokey kill or maim your character?:Can Smokey bring your character back to life?:Notes: