SIGNUPS: Round 21 - Mal

Jan 05, 2008 19:08

Signups are now closed.

The winner for Round 21 is Mal! It's been a while since we've had a Firefly round, so I hope everyone's looking forward to it!

Important dates for this round:

Signups close on Tuesday, January 8, some time after 7:59 PM Eastern.
Assignments go out by Wednesday, January 9 at 11:59 PM Eastern.
Your fic is due by Sunday, January 20, at or before 11:59 PM Eastern.

Before signing up, be sure you've read the "Community Rules" section in the userinfo.

Respond to this post with your signup, using this form:

Your name:
Your email:
Male character (ONE) you want paired with Mal:
Up to three things you want in your fic:
Up to two things you don't want:
Preferred maximum rating:
Does your request require comics canon? [this is for BtVS/AtS crossovers]
If not, are you open to having comics canon used in the story written for you? [this is for BtVS/AtS crossovers]

One to three men you would prefer to write with Mal:
Other men you could write with Mal:
Up to three men you can't write with Mal:
Are you able to write fic that requires comics canon? [this is for BtVS/AtS crossovers]
Anything else you can't write?
Any other comments:


"Male character" should be interpreted as "canonical male character from BtVS, AtS, or Firefly/Serenity."

We will try to give you a request that uses one of your preferred pairings, if possible, but that will depend on the other signups. We will not match you with something you have said you can't write.

If you can only write Firefly and not BtVS/AtS, please only specify one guy you can't write, and then tell us that you can't write Buffyverse men. [Apologies! This should have been in the original post.]

If the round fails to get at least five signups by closing time, we'll cancel the round and put a new poll up on Thursday. (In that case, Mal will then be considered eligible for the "minor characters" round this season so that people can still write about him.)

On Sunday, January 20, please post your fic (or a link to it) in this community, and comment to the masterlist (please include title, pairing, and whether or not your fic contains comics spoilers, if it's a Buffyverse crossover) to make sure we don't miss anything.

Remember, your fic should be at least 500 words long. Please take the time to have your fic beta-read before posting.

Thanks for signing up!

admin:signup posts, round:21

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