
Sep 01, 2003 02:43

Have just spent the last four hours writing a log for leviosarpg. It's not often that I can actually focus on something I'm writing for that long, much less write sixteen hundred odd words in that amount of time. (Thank goodness for online word counters!)

Anyway. Posted a Lockhart drabble for hp100. I also wrote another one that ended up not fulfilling the ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

frankie_lee September 1 2003, 16:51:05 UTC
Your "100 Words" was absolutely priceless!! Loved it!! Kudos to you.


malecrit September 1 2003, 20:59:21 UTC


duchessdollydot September 1 2003, 21:11:01 UTC
*laughs* 100 words was highly amusing.


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