fic: Sub Rosa

Jul 09, 2008 00:43

Title: Sub Rosa
Author: Malcolm St. James
Pairing: Sam/Dean, or Beauty/Beast.
Word Count: 21,000

Betas: kuromatic, multiversum_4, and bigmamag. These fabulous betas are probably the best in the ENTIRE WORLD, so the fantastic grammar and spelling and overall coherency are all their doing; any mistakes left are entirely mine.

Art: All done by the absolutely fantastic, utterly talented dreamlittleyo, who not only managed to create some beautiful art but also put up with my terribly long reply time and general flailing and stupidity. Her art is HERE, and by Jove you’d all better go over and compliment the bejesus out of her.

Notes: First off, thanks to wendy and audrarose for being so frickin’ awesome and organizing this whole thing!

This fic is a lot different from my regular style of writing, so, y’know. Watch out. I’ve borrowed from the Disney version (although no song and/or dance numbers), and also of Beauty, by Robin McKinley. I’ve tried to make it my own, and purposely didn’t reread/rewatch these two sources, but if you’re like, Gee, that seems familiar, that’s because it very likely is. Um, I also yoinked characters from Kripke & Co., so if you’re like, Sam and Dean... Now, where do I know those characters from? you’ll know they for sure aren't mine.

And please, give me feedback and/or let me know if something’s wrong. Are there spelling mistakes? Grammar issues? Elements of the story you dislike? If so, please let me know. I promise I won’t cry about it. *readies tissues* Although, yeah, something like, ‘This was the best story EVAR’ will pretty much make my life. Your choice!

AND NOW, after that huge rambling blahblahblah, ON TO THE FIC.

Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV

bigbang, fic, spn

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