Rules | Punishments | Log Guide | FAQ | Restricted Items

Aug 08, 2007 06:40


You get two strikes on these rules before you get banned.

1. No god-modding. If you're going to control another character in your post, clear it with the mun. This INCLUDES any injury of any type.

2. Only five characters per mun. Please, please, please only app for a fifth character if you can be active!

3. No wank. Wank for us includes insulting the mods (or other players, for that matter) and getting in the way of our fun. We know wank when we see it, and we've seen a lot of it. We aren't going to tolerate it anymore. Wank immediately gets you thrown out.

4. No spamming!

5. Be reasonable. Our characters are in an asylum; an over exaggerated one, but an asylum none-the-less. There are usually nurses and doctors constantly patrolling the place for everyone's safety, so keep in mind what someone would be able to get away with under watchful eyes. Use your head, please!

6. On that note, you are not allowed to kill NPC nurses. Even if your character is a homicidal maniac, no killing is allowed.

7. This roleplay is for all ages, so if you know your log will have inappropriate themes please rate it so that we all know. :3

8. We have animal therapy here at Malaise, but you aren't allowed to have your character hurting the animals, even if they ICly would. We don't want to see that.

9. Concerning Punishments: Follow the punishments corresponding to a crime your character has committed. You get one warning if you do not, and then you get a ban.

10. Concerning restricted items: It's hard to sneak stuff things in. It's not impossible, but it's a lot harder with all the security guards so one has to be sneaky. If your character mentions it in their journal, they'll probably get caught by a staff member if it's not private. Your characters don't have an endless supply of this stuff either, so you're going to run out eventually unless you have a supply somewhere. Be smart about this.

11: IMPORTANT: Any and all characters wishing to engage in sexual activity must be eighteen years of age. As specified by, the age of consent in California is eighteen. Anyone who doesn't follow this rule will be banned, no exceptions.

Others will be added as they come.

Smoking rules
Patients with no violence in their record are allowed to have a lighter on their person with strict instruction to keep it on their person and never share it with others. They are allowed to go outside and smoke whenever they wish, though chain smokers are discouraged to take a million smoke breaks a day. Patients with a violent history have designated smoke-break times in which they can go outside and smoke with a staff member supervising.

Patient Punishments

This is what happens if your character is a patient and breaks the rules. If you are caught not following these guidelines (as in, they should be in solitary but you have them wandering around the asylum still), you will only get two warnings before a ban.

Keep in mind that one night in Malaise time = one week in real life.

- Mild Disruption of Peace (like food fights): One night in solitary
- Misconduct/Destruction of Property: Two nights in solitary
- Attempted Escape: One night in solitary and the privilege of outside time taken away
- Possession of Restricted Items: Two nights in solitary and a thorough room search, items confiscated
- Suicide Attempt: This one isn't really 'punished', so to speak. The patient would be monitored by a staff member or two until their therapist says they're alright, or in some cases the patient would be isolated from others until deemed stable. They would be given things to do, and such, however; the staff would try to make them feel better, not punish. Either way, it would be at least five days before the patient would be back in normal conditions.
- Violence Toward Patients, Animals, or Staff: Five nights in solitary and nurse surveillance for a week after they get out. Depending on the character, a privilege may be taken away (for example, a book-lover may not be allowed to have library time).
- Murder: Character ban. You go to jail for that!

If you continue to break the rules three times, privileges will be taken away such as smoke breaks (if you smoke) and privacy (a nurse will follow you around all day).

Did your character do something that doesn't fit under these? Comment here and ask.

A New Guide On How To Make A Log!

It's easy to see how to make a log if you look around malaiselogs and follow their lead, but I'll make a little thing here for reference if it's ever needed.

In the subject line of your post, put the status of your log. [in progress] and [complete] are what I'm talking about.

First thing in your log should be:

Title: be creative!
Characters: Pretty self-explanatory. If it's an open log, just say 'open to anyone'.
Location: here's a list of all the places your log could be!
Rating: G-PG-PG13-PG15-R-NC17 and why.
Summary: Briefly explain what will happen in the log, if you know. If not, just explain what your character is doing in the first post.
Day/Time: Again, self-explanatory. To find out what the current date is and to figure out what time you want your log to be, malaisehouse has the most recent days up.

Right below that you should write your post, under an LJ cut. The code for a cut is [lj-cut text="Under here!"] Your post [/lj-cut], with
< > instead of [ ].

A newer part of our logging system is tags. When you start a log, list the characters that will be in it in the 'tags' section, right below where you write your post. Separate the names of the characters with commas. If it's an open log, just type 'open' and when it's completed, update the tags list to include whoever joined. This is to make navigation easier.

Post your questions here, and answers will come!

→ so... the therapy sheet is posted on the character journal, right?
Yes; your journal is for therapy sheets and personal journal entries only. On Malaise-daily basis - so once a week! We won't bite your head off if you forget it for a bit, just try to keep up, okay?

→ how do I post my log for an appointment? [as a doctor]
Make it an open log, y'know, with the heading: "*doctor name* and any one of his patients". Or you can plan one with a specific patient - up to you! Make sure to post it to malaiselogs.

→ What do the patients wear?
Whatever they want, as long as it doesn't include restricted items.

→ No pets?
We have been known to make exceptions with pets, for theraputic reasons. All pets must stay in the Day Room. Also, every few days there is Animal Therapy, where patients are free to play with the pets kept at Malaise.

→ Larxene is very sad that she will not get to stab people in the eyes with pencils.
You get solitary confinement for that. ♥

→ ... I have an office, right
Yes, doctors, nurses, and therapists have offices with their personal rooms attached. You can see the premises of the rooms here.

→ About knowing the time of day...according which time zone, or...?
No, you just do it according to the schedule - whenever you want the log to happen. Look at the other logs at malaiselogs for examples.

→ So okay, I'm assuming therapy starts normally on the weekdays, and weekends off? Or what?
Well, therapy happens every Malaise day, so that can be any time of the week. You don't necessarily have to log it, just know that it happens.
okay... and that happens how?
It's like . . . you know your character goes through the day doing normal things like eating, sleeping, exc. but you don't have to write it all out. You can, if it's with other people . . . [if you have further issues with this, contact me]

→ Not sure how/where to continue after this standard Group Therapy post in malaiselogs.
Well, now you could jump into another open log, or approach someone in chat saying "HI WANNA LOG WIFF ME? 8D" and plan something out.

→ What about the other malaise_house?
Long story short, this one is the active one. The other one has been dead for quite a while, along with malaise_ooc and malaise_logs. Do not use these communities.

→ How long must one wait before submitting a second app?
No wait time. Just make sure you'll be active with both characters!

→ I just wanted to know is this rp journal based? Or log based?
It's really a bit of both, probably journals more often than logs. We use whatever the situation calls for. :)

→ I'd like to pick up a character that has been played here before by someone else, how do I go about doing this? Will they remember their time before here previously, or are they restarted with a clean slate?
Unless you have a plan with other roleplayers about the past this character had with others, it's fine to assume they has a clean slate and nobody remembers them.

Restricted Items

Some items are forbidden within Malaise for safety reasons. Patients are carefully checked over for these before they enter the building, so unless you stick it up your bum to hide it don't think you can just waltz in with this stuff. :)

It's hard to sneak stuff things in. It's not impossible, but it's a lot harder with all the security guards so one has to be sneaky. If your character mentions it in their journal, they'll probably get caught by a staff member. Your characters don't have an endless supply of this stuff either, so you're going to run out eventually unless you have a supply somewhere. Be smart about this.

The items are listed below:

- Headphones or any kind of wire or long shoelace
- Stilettos or other high-heeled shoes
- Jewelery, belts, or chains (rings are allowed if they are lightweight and smooth)
- Violent items (knives, guns, weaponry, etc.)
- Pets (aside from Animal Therapy)
- Razors
- Pens, pencils, or pencil sharpeners (allowed only in the art room)
- Sewing needles/anything with a sharp edge or point
- Glass bottles
- Alcoholic beverages (restricted from the patients; the staff may have alcohol in their rooms as long as they drink it on their own time.)

Feel free to ask any questions on these restrictions here, or make suggestions for any new restrictions.

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