disorder information

Mar 12, 2007 15:57

We supply a small description of each disorder. If you want more information, click on the name of the disorder to be re-directed to Wikipedia.

01. Alcoholism → The use of alchohol, despite negative effects, often to forget or ignore something.

02. Amnesia → This disorder involves memory problems. Those who suffer Amnesia often forget even the most important things at random, and often can't contemplate the future. There are many different causes of amnesia.

03. Androphobia → The fear of men. Sufferers often experience different levels of anxiety around men.

04. Anorexia nervosa → Sufferers of Anorexia do not eat, for fear of gaining any weight. They're very skinny, and spend hours trying to get thinner. They may also purge in order to lose more weight and abuse laxatives.

05. Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder → ADHD. Those diagnosed with ADHD have the inability to pay attention for long periods of time, and often need constant mental stimulation. They appear hyper, jumping from one activity to the next rather quickly.

06. Bibliomania → An obsessive compulsive disorder in which the person collects books obsessively, often buying multiple copies of the same book - which might not even have any real interest to the collector.

07. Bipolar disorder → Sufferers of Bipolar Disorder often experience periods of inappropriate or inexplainable emotions for no reason. The sufferer has no control over their emotion.

08. Body dysmorphic disorder → Those with Body Dysmorphic Disorder often think that their body is deformed, to the point that they think they can actually see it - when in reality, their body is just perfectly fine.

09. Compulsive overeating → Someone who compulsively overeats is completely addicted to food. They spend their day eating, and when they are not eating they think about eating. They'll eat as much food as they can and eat even past becoming uncomfortably full.

10. Dissociative identity disorder → Also known as Multiple Personality Disorder, two or more distinct identities inhabit the shell of someone who suffers Dissociative Identity Disorder. At any given time, a different personality may take over the person's body, and may be completely different from the last; interacting differently to the environment.

11. Enuresis (bedwetting) → The release of urine during sleep after the age of which the sufferer should be able to control the muscles of the bladder.

12. Exhibitionism → The constant need to expose naked parts of one's body to others.

13. Expressive language disorder → People with Expressive Language Disorder have limited vocabularies and poor grasp on grammar. Often thought to "sound like cavemen."

14. Echolalia → Sufferers of Echolalia often repeat the words spoken to them before responding.

15. Echopraxia → Much like Echolalia, Echopraxia is the involuntary repetition or imitation of observed moments.

16. Frotteurism → Sufferers rub themselves against others, whether clothed or naked, to achieve sexual arousal. They attempt to be very discreet, so as not to be found out, even by the person they may be rubbing against.

17. Ganser syndrome → Sufferers often provide answers that don't make any sense, and are completely unrelated to the questions asked of them. They may also do things incorrectly, and are often trying to attract attention by doing so.

18. Gender identity disorder → Also known as Gender Confusion, or Transgender, sufferers do not relate to their physical sex. They often consider themselves to be of the mentality of the opposite sex.

19. Histronic personality disorder → Sufferers of Histrionic Personality Disorder often exaggerate their emotions in order to gain attention, and seek for praise from others even when they do not deserve it.

20. Hypochondriasis → Sufferers often think that they are sick, or worry that they are, to an extreme point. Even if a physician has reassured them that they are perfectly healthy, they still worry for their health. They often concentrate on one symptom, which they think is the cause of their illness

21. Hysteria → Sufferers have extreme fear, and excess emotional display. They often lose control of themselves because of such extreme fears, of random things or sometimes even body parts which they believe to be diseased.

22. Intermittent Explosive Disorder → Sufferer experience sudden outbursts of behavior, often throwing or breaking things with little provokation.

23. Insomnia → The inability to sleep, or sleep for long periods of time, no matter how tired one gets.

24. Kleptomania → The obsession with stealing things, often even small items of little to no value. Sufferers sometimes don't even realise they have commited theft until after the fact.

25. Mania → Sufferers experience severe elevations of mood and unusual thought patterns. They often have no contorl over themself during these episodes.

26. Manchausen syndrome → Sufferers fake illness or disease in order to attract attention and sympathy.

27. Narcisstic Personality Disorder → Sufferers concentrate on ones self. They obsess over themselves, often staring at themselves in the mirrors for hours on end, doing everything they can to make themselves look their best. People with Narssisism often keep to themselves, not wanting to share themself with anybody else.

28. Nightmare Disorder → Sufferers often have nightmares in their sleep, and wake from them with vivid memory in extreme detail. It can be rather upsetting to the sufferer and may cause insomnia.

29. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder → Also known as OCD, it's an anxiety disorder in which the sufferer has obsessions and creates tasks or "rituals" in order to neutralize the obsession. It may cause the sufferer to do things that do not make sense to those on the outside, like going up stairs 3, then back 2, and up 3 again until the top of the stairs is reached.

30. Oppositional Defiance Disorder → Sufferer often loses their temper, experiences extreme anger and cannot follow orders given to them by any authority. They are compelled to rebel against anything which might try to control them.

31. Panic disorder → Sufferer often has random panic attacks that can happen at any given time. They are intense and unsettling to both the sufferer and those around them, and often gets in the way of daily life.

32. Paranoid personality disorder → Sufferers of Paranoid Personality Disorder often experience extreme depression after being rejected, or experiencing distrust or disloyalty. They are afraid of social interactions in fear of being rejected, and thus are difficult to get to trust others.

33. Parasomnia → Sufferers of Parasomnia often experience sleep walking, teeth grinding, restless leg syndrome, night terrors and a variety of other sleeping problems.

34. Pathological Gambling → The inability to stop gambling, despite the consequences or even the desire to stop.

35. Post-traumatic stress disorder → Sufferers may experience insomnia, aggressiveness, depression, dissociation, emotional detatchment, nightmares and other symptoms as a result of a severely traumatic experience in the sufferer's life.

36. Psychosis → Sufferers experience hallicinations and delisional beleifs, and may experience personality changes and disorganised thinking. Most sufferers seem to have "lost contact with reality."

37. Pyromania → An intense obsession with fire, starting fires and explosions. They do not start fires in order to kill; they start them to experience euphoria. They often obsess over fire control.

38. Schizophrenia → Sufferers often experience hallucinations and disorganized thinking. It's very common for them to experience auditory hallucinations, via a voice inside their head.. Many problems are caused with behavior and emotions. Schizophrenia means "splitting of the mind."

39. Reading Disorder → The inability to learn to read or write.

40. Schizotypical personality disorder → The sufferer experiences and intense need for social isolation and is convinced of having extra sensory abilities.

41. Sleepwalking disorder → Sufferer engages in activities while asleep that are normally only done in wakefulness.

42. Transvestic fetishism → The sexual fetish of the opposite gender. The sufferer often cross-dresses obsessively.

43. Tourette syndrome → An inherited neurological disorder, in which the sufferer experiences multiple physical tics, or involuntary movements, and often one or more vocal tic.

44. Speech Disorder → A disorder in which the sufferer's normal speech is affected. Common symptoms are lisps, stuttering, and vocal dysphonia.

45. Child Abuse → Sufferer is, or has been, physically beaten or verbally abused during childhood, often by parents or teachers. May lead to mental disorders via trauma.

46. Drug Abuse → Sufferer has a severe addiction to drugs, taking them for a non-theraputical or non-medical effect. Severe abuse can lead to brain malfunctions, chemical imbalances and eventually mental disorders.

47. Runaway → A runaway is a youth who has left home without permission, or has been kicked out by their parents.

48. High-school dropout → A student who has dropped out of high school.

49. Beauty-school dropout → A student who has dropped out of becauty school.

50. Schizoid Personality Disorder → Sufferers often display little to no emotion, have little interest in social interactions, and tend to lean towards a solitary lifestyle.

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