Title: Unraveled Author: opalish Rating: T Characters: Mal, River, ensemble Summary: Love is just another madness that afflicts River Tam. Notes: Set after the movie. My first Firefly fic, so please let me know how I did.
Wow - you are AWESOME. I am so excited to actually read good new fic.
You've really gotten River here, so you succeeded! What was also great is how you talk about the other members of the crew, too (ZOE IS PREGNANT! SHE SO IS!) -- and this River voice comes off as really melodic, and flowing. It's different because in most other places she's disjointed, but this works for her here too.
I really like the thought that River loves (and hates) everyone, because it's a teenage feeling and at the same time a big!world feeling, and I think she has them both. That's really her to me.
I need to go to bed now, but as a sophomore in college (I read in another comment that you're a freshman), I say, TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE TIME WHILE YOU HAVE IT. And write for us. :D
(But then the nerd part of me advises you not to jeopardize your academics. :P )
Thanks so much! I honestly have never written a character more intimidating than River, so it's really good to know I didn't mangle her.
Already posted another fic to after_serenity and ff_fanfic (or whatever those communities are called) because writing Firefly fanfic is apparently addictive. (Me, blatantly pimping my own fic? Nah.)
It's completely addicting, and I'm glad you've caught it. I can't wait for more.
I love River's rambling thought process, how she takes thoughts and conclusions and weaves them all together trying to understand the idea as a whole. It's a great River voice.
Comments 15
I hope to write more - all depends upon whether college decides to kill me or not. Freshman year = ultimate evil.
Thanks for the feedback!
You've really gotten River here, so you succeeded! What was also great is how you talk about the other members of the crew, too (ZOE IS PREGNANT! SHE SO IS!) -- and this River voice comes off as really melodic, and flowing. It's different because in most other places she's disjointed, but this works for her here too.
I really like the thought that River loves (and hates) everyone, because it's a teenage feeling and at the same time a big!world feeling, and I think she has them both. That's really her to me.
I need to go to bed now, but as a sophomore in college (I read in another comment that you're a freshman), I say, TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE TIME WHILE YOU HAVE IT. And write for us. :D
(But then the nerd part of me advises you not to jeopardize your academics. :P )
You're awesome. I really hope you keep writing!
Thanks so much! I honestly have never written a character more intimidating than River, so it's really good to know I didn't mangle her.
Already posted another fic to after_serenity and ff_fanfic (or whatever those communities are called) because writing Firefly fanfic is apparently addictive. (Me, blatantly pimping my own fic? Nah.)
Thanks again for the review!
It's completely addicting, and I'm glad you've caught it. I can't wait for more.
I love River's rambling thought process, how she takes thoughts and conclusions and weaves them all together trying to understand the idea as a whole. It's a great River voice.
Thanks for the feedback!
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