Title: The Magic Touch
Prompt: #102
Rating: PG
Length: ~6230 words
Warning(s): Zitao as a side character (along with Amber, Soojung, and Junmyeon), one or two swear words
Summary: Sehun loses his friends in Disney Land on the first day. He thinks it’s Disney magic when Prince Phillip finds him instead.
Notes: dear prompter, i hope i did your prompt
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Comments 11
It's so cute. Prince Jongin is so freaking charming, i loved that. and calling sehun his prince, that flirty little-!! They make a great pair of princes.
I really really liked Sehun buying the little crown for the kid, because i felt that's something he would do.
I absolutely loved it when Jongin calls Sehun "my prince" and kisses his hand and always seemed to be around. ♥
I liked it when Sehun interacted with the little kid and bought him a crown and told him to listen to his "queen".
“One minute he can be as confident and charismatic as a prince, and the next he can be as nerdy and dorky as a man who thinks of three toy poodles as his own children.”
this is jongin irl. LOL
“Aren’t you my prince though?”
“I am?”
i'm squealing!! let's face it, both of them are princes!
This was adorable! I kinda hoped they would at least kiss in the end but this was cute enough as it is. Jongin would totally make a perfect prince oh my god my mental images were killing me the whole time I read this and I was smiling widely because this was so so so adorable. I like the concept a lot and it made me just need more of it so I'd say job well done /applauds/
“Keeping the magic alive?”
This was like my favorite part of the fic and it made me giggle like an idiot. It seems like all I can say is adorable but this fic was just so adorable I can't help it.
prince phillip is charming and confident, but i'd choose prince jongin over him in a heartbeat.
Thank you so much for writing this!
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