The Les Mis Anon Kink Meme, Round 7

Sep 21, 2013 21:41

Since LJ seems to have finally capitulated to the Russian government and is now subject to Russian anti-obscenity laws, I'm not going to take a chance on sudden deletions. The Les Mis kinkmeme now lives at (Round 7 here.) Everything has been backed up there. The LJ kinkmeme will stay up, but is now closed to ( Read more... )


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Comments 5183

First?! anonymous September 22 2013, 08:59:43 UTC
First comment means I have to prompt first times, obviously. Five ways Enjolras didn't lose his virginity (+ one way he did, if you so choose).


Re: First?! anonymous September 28 2013, 03:59:52 UTC
Putting a tentative claim on this...any preference for pairings, or modern day vs canon era?


Re: First?! anonymous September 28 2013, 05:20:33 UTC
Prefer canon era; any pairings are fine, though I'm partial to Enjolras/Combeferre, Enjolras/Grantaire, and Enjolras/Feuilly.


e/R daddy kink anonymous September 22 2013, 09:31:16 UTC
grantaire in all his scruffy 30-something glory meets twinkjolras at a bar or something (holy fuck is he even legal?) and they hit it off

turns out twinkjolras is just downright dirty and gets grantaire to be his daddy and he likes to walk around in his panties and play innocent because he knows that's what his daddy likes

yay filth fest


Re: e/R daddy kink anonymous September 23 2013, 11:57:53 UTC


Enjolras and his Daddy 1/? Re: e/R daddy kink anonymous November 8 2013, 13:00:10 UTC
Grantaire walked into the dimly lit bar and headed straight to the bar, having been here often enough over the last 10 years that the bar staff, bouncers and most of the regulars knew him if not by name, then definitely by reputation ( ... )


op anonymous November 8 2013, 13:30:09 UTC


anonymous September 22 2013, 09:35:37 UTC
Someone, anyone, being completely and utterly fucked out. Like, totally worn out and exhausted from lots of good sex, preferable consensual with multiple partners. Descriptions of loose, stretched out holes leaking cum would be awesome, as would loving aftercare with washings and being put to bed.


anonymous September 22 2013, 19:09:54 UTC
Mmm, Valjean in this situation would be lovely.


anonymous September 23 2013, 00:07:12 UTC
I still want that Valjean/police consensual gangbang...


anonymous September 23 2013, 00:13:16 UTC
I want all the Valjean gangbangs forever.


Javert won't behave (Valvert) anonymous September 22 2013, 09:38:50 UTC
They're traveling somewhere, on a plane or a coach, sitting side by side, and Javert, keeps (subtly) nibbling Valjean's neck occasionally and wandering his hands onto the others thigh and lap. Valjean is trying to stop him, because of public decency, but it doesn't help that he has to keep his reactions in check as well.


Re: Javert won't behave (Valvert) anonymous September 23 2013, 02:55:55 UTC


anonymous September 22 2013, 10:27:16 UTC
*triple-checks anon*

All the Amis get captured by the army/police/whoever, and are forced to watch Enjolras being beaten and gang-raped in front of them. Because Enjolras will never betray his co-revolutionaries, but maybe his friends will start naming names in order to save him...


+ Enjolras ordering them not to say anything no matter what happens

+ some kind of corporal punishment like whipping or caning

+ Les Amis in a cell and Enjolras tied to the bars on the other side, so they can touch him and talk to him but not stop what's happening to him
++ whoever's in charge giving up on getting information out of them after a while and saying "fine, it stops as soon as one of you succeeds in getting him off"
+++ if Combeferre and Courfeyrac reluctantly try, but in the end Grantaire is the one who manages to get Enjolras to orgasm mid-gang-rape by sucking him off, and it fucks him up so much that Enjolras has to comfort him afterwards

+ Enjolras being all defiant and proud of having braved so much for his beliefs ( ... )


anonymous September 22 2013, 10:30:46 UTC
This is a patently awesome prompt that pushes all my buttons! I shall start work on it as soon as I get home from work tomorrow.


OP anonymous September 22 2013, 10:49:13 UTC
*preheats the oven and prepares to bake you a cake*

*a cake of shame and button-pushing*


anonymous September 22 2013, 14:23:51 UTC
not OP but please please please I'm so excited


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