Since LJ seems to have finally capitulated to the Russian government and is now subject to Russian anti-obscenity laws, I'm not going to take a chance on sudden deletions. The Les Mis kinkmeme now lives at (
Round 5 here.) Everything has been backed up there. The LJ kinkmeme will stay up, but is now closed to
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Enjolras is Achilles; he's chaste because he figures, hey, sex got him in trouble last time around, so he's learning from his mistakes.
But he figures Patroclus doesn't count. Of course he can still sleep with him. Except he's drunk all the time, ugh, why's he doing that? So not hot.
(Meanwhile, Grantaire thinks Enjolras doesn't remember, or remembers and has suddenly desired to spurn him.)
Canon or modern are both love :)))
Praying you get a fill.
These incarnations of Achilles and Patroclus are very heavily based on those in Madeline Miller's book The Song of Achilles. The title of this fic is also from a line from that book. After Achilles has been killed, Patroclus is a spirit who is talking to his mother, the goddess Thetis, who says to him, "Have you no more memories?" and Patroclus replies, "I am made of memories." I hope you enjoy this fill ( ... )
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