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Comments 5

rainbowstevie March 20 2012, 00:44:59 UTC
Holy shit, son of a bitch, I practically had a heart attack when I read that yesterday and have spent the past 24 hours hoping it was just a very vivid nightmare I had. Because it reminds me of nightmares.


makeyourmoment March 20 2012, 01:07:14 UTC
This just bothers me so much. If they're going to look at what I download, what's to stop them from viewing anything else I do, you know?


laerkstrein March 20 2012, 02:14:49 UTC

anjak_j March 20 2012, 05:04:43 UTC
This is worrying not just because it'll stop people from downloading stuff, but more because they'll basically be able to watch EVERYTHING that you do online, from applying for jobs to emailing you family and friends,right down to legally watching stuff online and reading fanfic - which could also be considered copyright-infringing material.


makeyourmoment March 22 2012, 01:23:40 UTC
Precisely. I mean, if they can spy on one aspect of my life, can't they spy on it all?

Also, I saw the ontd_political post on handing over Facebook passwords and I'm all "WTF? No way!" Saw your comment there and was glad to know I have level-headed friends who see what utter BS that is.


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