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makeste July 2 2010, 20:27:25 UTC
I really can't make heads or tails of the flame in this shot, but it did appear to be upside-down back when we saw it earlier, so a negative flame theory makes sense. It's weird, though, because when Tsuna goes into Zero Point Breakthrough mode, his flame looks the same as it normally does. I can definitely see it being connected somehow, though.


snapdraw_gone July 2 2010, 15:55:30 UTC
If it's an Ice Snow flame Enma's got, then it might be a Sky flame in disguise like that Gelaro character in one of the KHR games. Other than Primo and Tsuna, he's the only other KHR character whom I know can produce ice from his Dying will (Mukuro and Chrome don't count because their 'ice' are illusions).

Maybe Enma's Dying will (or the whole Shimon's for that matter) work in a similar way: like Tsuna's Zero-point breakthrough. It's a pretty powerful technique and not a lot of people are capable of doing it.


snapdraw_gone July 2 2010, 15:58:13 UTC
Pft. My comment and the one above it are just basically saying the same thing. =P (Post was empty while I was typing)


makeste July 2 2010, 20:30:42 UTC
Man, I hope it's not like in the video game. That doesn't sound too exciting. Fortunately the flames look pretty different, though.

I do like the Zero Point Breakthrough idea. Enma's always seemed to have sort of a :| personality, too, so that would kind of line up with the idea of a negative dying will flame. I kinda hope it doesn't work in the same way, though. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for something more original.


morgrix July 2 2010, 17:02:42 UTC
About Reborn, I thought it was strange for him not to figure out who they were. He already knew there was something weird about them:
Anyway, if he'd figured out there would be no plot and no history anymore ¬¬"

I think Xanxus is still going to show himself and save the day (maybe not this day...). Actually, I'm his fangirl, and I hope he appears soon! XD

I don't think Enma's flame is ice... This: http://www.onemanga.com/Katekyo_Hitman_Reborn/296/11/ looks like ice, but Enma only "tranformed" (er... I want a better word for it) after that, so...

Btw, I love to read your texts!!! *___*


makeste July 2 2010, 20:52:12 UTC
Yeah, he really had every opportunity to figure it out, and he's usually sharper than that. He saw Enma's response to Tsuna's ring, looked up their history and knew the family was old and kind of off somehow, and on top of that, the attack on Yamamoto especially should have set off some warning flags. That was suspicious any way you look at it. Yamamoto doesn't drop his guard that easily, and Reborn knows him better than just about anyone; I'm really surprised that Kaoru wasn't number one on his suspect list.

Part of me can't help but wonder if Xanxus wouldn't actually be glad that something went wrong during Tsuna's inheritance. XD But it would be nice to see him.

True, Enma didn't get his full upgrade until he got his hands on the Sin, but he could have been using a powered-down version of it, like in this scene. Though his eyes were also normal until the transformation, so maybe not.

And thank you! <3


felinaofl2 July 2 2010, 22:10:58 UTC
Reborn really did drop the ball on this one.

I agree, Xanxus needs to show up. This arc is just begging for him to jump in!


ojuzu July 2 2010, 19:41:19 UTC
Yes, yes, yes. This arc really is exactly what I'd been hoping for.

. . . Hoshit. Just had a thought. What if Reborn is connected to the Shimon family somehow? I don't know if that would actually explain anything, but it would be pretty cool.

Exactly. Where the fuck are you, future arc characters? (Oh, and I know this is totally incorrect, but my first thought when I saw Enma And His Magic Hand was HOLY SHIT HE WAS BYAKURAN ALL ALONG.)

Ice flames. Well, we already have the Zero-Point, so I guess that works. --Wait, no! They're hail flames! |D

Hey, yeah. Why don't they have, like, a library of this stuff? Or, say, some digital storage. We're in the twenty-first century, guys! The mafia needs to upgrade! Files in attics = not good enough anymore.


makeste July 2 2010, 21:08:18 UTC
Week after week it's just been one strong chapter after another, and now the first part of it has wrapped up perfectly. I'm a die-hard fan of the Varia Arc and still believe that was pretty much flawless (at least as far as tournament arcs go), but even so, I think the Inheritance Arc is starting to overtake it as my new favorite.

Well, it would explain why he failed so completely at seeing this coming, at least. XD And a lot of Reborn's past is still pretty mysterious, so it could work.

Enma's shiny dragon gauntlet is definitely a touch of Byakuran's style, there. I think when he died, a tiny bit of his soul went to reside in all of the future villains (it would go a long way toward explaining Shitt P, too). HIS LEGACY LIVES ON.

Hail would fit the sky/weather theme...!

I seriously think that might be the only real plot hole in this arc so far aside from Enma's total lack of cell phone awareness. Up until this point, I would have sworn the Vongola kept some kind of mafia pokedex, what with them being so up-to-date on everything ( ... )


ojuzu July 3 2010, 00:58:31 UTC
I think the Varia Arc might always be my favourite or maybe that's just because I've been writing about Xanxus, but the Inheritance Arc is definitely gaining a special place in my heart.

(By the way, I'm still confused as to what actually happened with Byakuran. Did killing him in the future disappear him from everywhere ever? Or is young!Byakuran still hanging around somewhere?)

Oooh, what if the Shimon family aren't mafia? What if they're actually . . . (dun dun duuuun) yakuza.

No, really! I don't know if that actually works or not, but I wouldn't be surprised if Vongola only really knew about the Italian mafia and people connected to them. So if the Shimon family were an old, old family from Japan, maybe the only mafia who encountered them were the first-gen Vongola.

(Although this does not explain why Iemitsu had stuff about them in his attic.)


felinaofl2 July 2 2010, 22:05:21 UTC
I outright squeed when you said Gamma. I adore that man, and sobbed over his & Uni's (TOTALLY BULLSHIT I HATE AMANO FOR IT!!*) deaths, so seeing him and the Giglio Nero again would make me dance and squee until I faint from delight. Plus, it would give Tsuna an opportunity to forge a strong bond for the two families.

I know this is pathetic, but I seriously would love if Amano did, I dunno, mini-arcs or something for the other Vongola bosses. I mean, it'd be really cool seeing a few events from the lives of Secondo to Ottavo! No, I'm not just saying this because Secondo is a sexy badass with a sexy ponytail and needs more screentime...
Besides, maybe then we'd get to learn everyone's names! I'm still hoping Secondo's would be Leone. I'm such an idiot fangirl.

Somehow I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out that the Vongola's records on the Shimon were accidentally destroyed by Secondo via Rage Flame in his office. Because that'd be hysterically funny to me.

*That is my lingering trauma from the Future Arc. I don't think I'll ( ... )


makeste July 7 2010, 14:58:11 UTC
I will cry if Gamma does not cameo in this arc. He and Aria were already shown in the normal timeline during the Arcobaleno arc in the anime, so we know he's around. SO HE'D BETTER SHOW HIMSELF.

I don't know about all of the other bosses, but I'd definitely like to get some more info on a select few. Daniela (at least then her bizarrely high ranking in the Japanese character poll could be justified), the one that fought with a fork (the Fourth? I can't remember now), and definitely Secondo, because he seems the most important right now. Actually, I'm pretty sure we will get background on him at least before too long, but it'd be nice to learn a little more about some of the later generations too.

It did kind of suck that Gamma and Uni were literally the only people who died in that arc and then actually stayed dead. :| Well, you know, aside from Byakuran.


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