WIP checklist

Apr 28, 2008 20:27

This is just a list of all of the fandom projects I'm working on right now. Some of them I might finish relatively soon, some might have to wait several months or more, and some I might just drop altogether. And with the way inspiration likes to hit me at random, there's a good chance that the next thing I finish won't even be on this list at all. XD But in the meantime, doing this sometimes helps me to sort out what I want to work on next.


Project: 27 (KHR FST; title will probably change)
Details: This is a fan soundtrack I've been working on for a while. I did an 8059 FST a little while back, and I've been wanting to do a general Reborn soundtrack as well.
Status: 80% complete. At the moment, I have songs for the four arcs, Tsuna and the guardians, most of the other Vongola, and several of the villains. I still need songs for Dino, I-Pin, and a bunch of the Millefiore characters, but other than that (and the cover art and stuff), this is nearing completion.
Prognosis: Good. I'm definitely gonna get this done. (UPDATE: Completed.)

Project: Point of Reference (Gokudera-centric drabble)
Details: Just a short fic with Gokudera musing about stuff during the Future arc. I haven't seen many fics about the kids in the future that weren't pairing-centric, and there's so much to play with that I wanted to try. Right now it looks like it'll mostly be about his thoughts on his future self and the other future Vongola.
Status: 33% complete. This one is more of a need-time-to-work-on-it issue than anything else.
Prognosis: Pretty good. I like what I have so far, and I'm not too worried about getting the rest of it done. (UPDATE: Completed.)

Project: Untitled 59 pairing essay
Details: Basically this is a comparison of 5927 and 8059 (both of which I ship) from my perspective. Because I like to rant about Gokudera.
Status: 50% complete. Just about done with the GokuTsuna part, but haven't really started the YamaGoku part yet. Also the going is kind of slow because if there's anything that's good at causing wank, it's pairing essays, and so I'm trying really hard to state things in a way that'll get my points across without, uh, pissing anyone off. XD
Prognosis: Fairly good. Like I said, slow going, but it'll be finished eventually.

Project: Untitled Shamal fic
Details: Er, it's a fic about Shamal. XD More specifically, about how he got involved with Gokudera's family, his relationship with Gokudera's mother, and his relationship with Gokudera himself. Because I'm endlessly fascinated by the idea of it.
Status: ...like 10% complete, lol. XD I started writing it out of nowhere at few months ago, and then DROPPED IT LIKE A SACK OF POTATOES, sob. I want to write more, but I'm kinda stuck.
Prognosis: Up in the air. Maybe I'll open the Word doc in a month or so and the words will just flow, but until then it's on the backburner.

Project: Untitled 5YL Lambo and Gokudera fic (n-not as a pairing XDD)
Details: This is the biggest project I have right now by far; basically, it takes place five years after the start of the series, so the kids are about 18. To make a long story short, there are issues with the Bovino family, and Gokudera ends up traveling to Italy with 10-year-old Lambo in tow to sort them out (while the rest of the family deals with problems back in Japan). The plot is kind of a mix of action, random mafia intrigue, and character development for Lambo and Dera. (Because ever since the whole "Storm and Lightning are like brothers" thing, I've wanted to take that idea and run with it. XD)
Status: ZERO PERCENT COMPLETE unless you count meticulous planning, sob. XDD I'm still outlining the thing chapter-by-chapter and figuring everything out. It's gonna take a while.
Prognosis: Shaky...? I really want to do this, but it's going to take for-fucking-ever, I can tell you that much. Don't know when I'll actually get started actually writing it.

Project: Tournament of Spring (gen Reborn humor fic; title will probably be changed)
Details: This is basically crack, and then some. I wanted to write a KHR humor fic, and since the Daily Life arc was filled with random Vongola-style holiday events, I decided to base a fic around one of those. I was going for random, so it ended up being about the Vernal Equinox. Except that has now long since passed (CAN YOU TELL HOW LONG AGO I STARTED THIS?), so I may have to change things around later.
Status: 33% complete. I keep having to slow down to think of more ideas, but when I do write it's almost too much fun, especially the character interaction. SAMPLE:
“Hey, Boss!” said Gokudera even more enthusiastically than usual since it was the first day of Spring and he wanted to start things just right. “Good morning!” He gave Tsuna his very happiest and most sincere good morning smile which glowed with the power of a thousand Care Bear stares.

“Eh-good morning, Gokudera-kun!” replied Tsuna rather lamely. Nonetheless, Gokudera drank up the greeting like a man in the desert.

“Hey, Tsuna, Gokudera!” grinned Yamamoto as he appeared out of nowhere and slung an arm around Tsuna’s shoulders. “Good morning!” he beamed, and his happy sparkly good morning! completely owned poor Gokudera’s good morning even though Gokudera had TRIED SO HARD. Alas!

Pretty much the whole thing is just that gay.
Prognosis: I dunno. XD Like I said, it's fun, but it's a lot of work, partly because of the aforementioned struggling-for-ideas, and partly because there are TOO MANY CHARACTERS (stupid huge Vongola family) and I kinda fail at keeping track of a huge fic cast. SHOULDA TRIMMED IT DOWN SOME alas.

Anyway, that's it, I think. FOR NOW.

reborn (the series), work-in-progress, fandom

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