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Comments 29

snowpoison December 19 2010, 19:33:03 UTC
I was more excited about Hibari making his appearence than you were, I think. Uh, I fell off my chair squealing and screaming. I think the only plausable excuse for Hibari and Hibird's late appearence was because he forced Kusakabe to drop him off at a world class posh beauty salon to scare away all it's costomers so he can relax. Or, he could just have went on a little trip around the world for Hibird's birthday or something. Or I dunno, he felt like searching for the far ends of the universe for his pride, then realised he had to go visit the damn island where there is a lot of crowding going on or something? Ohh damn, the possiblities are endless.

Did you realise Chrome's new outfit is the same as Adelheid's? It's probably one of her old ones or something, as it would never fit Chrome's frame. -cough- boobs -cough-

I was semi-shocked about the lack of things Ninth had to do. Doesn't he have like... paperwork to do? Or doesn't he have to take care of the world's gratest Mafia group? Doesn't he get seasick?


makeste December 19 2010, 19:40:48 UTC
Lol, one of these days I will manage to work up some enthusiasm for poor Hibari. He did look like a badass jumping out of the helicopter with his eyes all ablaze in BITE TO DEATH mode. I need to give him a fair chance, he deserves it. XD ( ... )


snowpoison December 19 2010, 20:41:43 UTC
I probably wouldn't understand, as just seeing Hibari do this cool stance with Hibird drifting in a corner makes my whole month. But then, I probably won't understand how much love you give to GokuGoku I guess. So no, I won't go all fangirl-assasin on you. Really. I'm too old for that shitWell, yeah. Think about it: Hibari wouldn't give a shit about them going on a vogage of discovery to find Shimon Land to clear up the misunderstandings and to get back their pride (not to save Chrome, nope, not at all) and it would have took Kusakabe ages to concvince Hibari it would be good for him and stuff. Of course, when you're in a helicoper all becomes much more interesting and amusing, so therefore Hibari's sympathy and humanity would actually uncover, therefore making Kusakabe save all those cats from being thrown in bins, take some holiday snaps, facetime his minions to make sure Namimori is okay and that they're not partying at his disappearance with his I-Phone 4 (it's a miricle that it's still in one peice), and go on a mini vogage of ( ... )


makeste December 19 2010, 21:52:51 UTC
Haha, it actually sounds like you feel the same way about Hibari that I do about Gokudera, so yeah. BUT WE CAN STILL BE FANGIRL BROS, even if we're fangirling over different characters! *FISTBUMP*

It would be good fic, you see.

DON'T SAY THAT DON'T STAY THAT oh god now I want to write it! DAMN YOU HIBARI AND KUSAKABE WHY ARE YOU SO LULZY where did they even get the helicopter in the first place, anyway? Did the Nonos give it to them, or does the Discipline Committee just happen to have one lying around for emergencies? EITHER ONE OF THESE SCENARIOS WOULD SURPRISE ME NOT IN THE SLIGHTEST.

Giotto is overdue for an appearance to give his young great-great-great-etc... grandnephew? Grandson? Whatever, I forget how they're actually related... anyway, he's overdue to give him some advice on how to face your beloved rival after there's been a horrible misunderstanding. COME BACK TO US, PRIMO. WE NEED YOUR WISDOM NOW.

I'm guessing he has several rooms for the amount of advisor's bodies that had objected to his time wasting.

Maybe that's ( ... )


celestes55 December 19 2010, 21:53:39 UTC
Oh look, Hibari is here to save the day again. Honestly I'm kind of rooting for Adelheid here, because at this point I'm feeling really sorry for the Shimon family (except for Kaoru and D. Spade), and if beating the crap out of Hibari is gonna make Enma feel a little bit better, then by all means. And since we seem to be headed towards a prison break, we might as well have a very pissed off Cloud Guardian on the inside to help things along. Both sides get something out of it, and the fans get to watch what will probably be a very hot fight complete with heaving boobs and hedgehogs and handcuffs. XD


makeste December 19 2010, 22:05:03 UTC
Like I said, I'm 99% sure that I'm rooting for her too. Actually, I have a whole list of reasons as to why:

  • Adelheid is my favorite
  • Hibari is not my favorite I am sorry to say.
  • But he would look really hot in chains cough cough ahem oh my what was I saying again?
  • The Simon family has already lost every single battle they've been in, if you count Aoba vs Ryohei as a loss for both sides, so at this point things are kind of lopsided in favor of the Vongola. And while that would normally be a good thing since the Vongola are our team and all, it still makes things more interesting when they have to work for it a little, you know?
  • Especially when Hibari "Strongest Guardian of the Vongola" Kyoya has to work for it a little.
  • If Adel loses Enma will be left all alone with SPADE and KAORU oh my god. THIS CAN'T HAPPEN.

And so on and so forth. Basically I agree with you completely. You also brought up a really good point with this:

And since we seem to be headed towards a prison break, we might ( ... )


celestes55 December 19 2010, 23:40:17 UTC
I'm not a big Hibari fan either. Mostly because we know jack squat about him...if we get a nice angsty flashback then I might be compelled to care a little more. As it is we know more about Adelheid in the couple of panels we've seen her in other Shimon flashbacks. And yes, it gets boring seeing him win so handily all the time, I'd like to see him have to struggle a little bit in chains against a really hot chick no less, ha ( ... )


metisket December 19 2010, 22:11:11 UTC
XD Honestly I think 90% of Hibari's appeal is the lulz. Hibari, seriously, WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GET THAT HELICOPTER ( ... )


makeste December 19 2010, 23:42:05 UTC
Honestly I think 90% of Hibari's appeal is the lulz.

That's definitely true for me in any case. I just cannot take him seriously at all, but whenever he's around it's awesome because he just stomps around acting like he's the boss of the universe and trying to kill anyone who dares to disagree but most of the time they just fall right into line before it comes to that because AHHH SCARY. He's set on permanent godmode and is terrifying as all hell, but on the other hand, the only two people he listens to are a baby and a guy whose box animal is a pony, and on occasion he has been known to arrive out of the blue in a motherfucking helicopter. ALWAYS A PARTY WITH THIS KID, is what I'm saying here.

And I think I love your cat too, retroactively. XD

...and I think it would be good for him to lose. Also funny.

Haha. Again, so much agreement from me here that I'm liable to strain my neck from nodding up and down. HE MIGHT EVEN GET CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT IF HE LOSES! Actually, he just might get character development either way; even Lambo ( ... )


riotpunkdance December 19 2010, 23:03:40 UTC
Oh I have been waiting for this and you do not disappoint! XD

I must say that the entire time Adelheid decided to taken on the challenge of getting rid of Tsuna herself I was like, 'My god, those things will explode by the end of the chapter.' But they seem well managed now. (God, I feel like a pervert.)


makeste December 19 2010, 23:51:50 UTC
Haha, thanks. XD

Oh man, those boobs. I know what you mean; at one point on this page I was absolutely convinced we were going to have a wardrobe malfunction right then and there. But she pulled it off in the end. Gotta hand it to you, Adelheid, you continue to be completely stunning in every scene you have that does not involve Katou "I ruin everything like the ruining ruiner I am" Julie.


riotpunkdance December 20 2010, 07:42:03 UTC
So was I! I nearly cried, "Adelheid, they're children!"

*snirk* He really does ruin everything. XD


ekmisao December 20 2010, 02:25:13 UTC
Agreed about the Ninth guardians. Binktopia translates it 'they're still keeping him in bed' http://mangastream.com/read/katekyo_hitman_reborn/83421309/4 but neither wording is very assuring. (And now that maguregumo is NOT the translator for IEM, I'm liable now to be cautious about both Binktopia's and IEM's, sigh....)

The longer it lasts, the more I get scared of what I'll see. So I'm weirder than others who are the non-Yama fans, ambivalent if I want to see him but turned into Genkishi or another Chrome, or rather not see him.

I'm one of the people who had a notion Hibari would pop up the way he did in this chapter, as a second-wave attack (although I figured it would be on a speedboat). Nonetheless it's a welcome sight.


makeste December 21 2010, 01:58:08 UTC
For some reason I cracked up at the thought of Nono looking at Ganauche with that suddenly-seems-smug-looking-somehow face and telling him "It would take more than this to get me down." OH BINKTOPIA, NEVER CHANGE. (Thanks for the heads-up about the translator-switch at IEM, though. So far the new translator seems to be doing all right, though--and it seems like they've finally gotten a better editor, too; the last few chapters have had much fewer errors.)

Try as I might, though, even with all the horrible things Amano's been trying to pull lately, I can't see her ever attempting a zombiemoto. I think we're supposed to be feeling nervous about Byakuran's intentions, but it feels like a misdirection to me. I'm expecting Yamamoto to pull off one of his patented "TADA I'M HERE TO SAVE THE DAY ALL OF A SUDDEN UNEXPECTEDLY" appearances like the reliable rain-type he is at some point in the near-future. I just hope the explanation of what exactly happened between him and Byakuran satisfies ( ... )


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