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Comments 27

snowpoison November 26 2010, 20:25:35 UTC


snowpoison November 26 2010, 20:32:38 UTC
I seem to be able to catch your posts, luckily ;)

These fights... they seem more and more meaningless. Well, not in a technical way, because of course, Tsuna has to prove that his great ansester WAS NOT THAT KIND OF PERSON and yeah, I agree, there much have been some kinda great misunderstanding OR Giotto could have misunderstood and thought his best buddy had betrayed him or whatever, but Giotto is sounding fishy. Just saying.

Anyway, at Shitt.P's flashback, I was all 'DON'T CARE ABOUT THOSE FUCKERS, YOUR HAIR WAS AMAZING' because I am a person who cares more about the hair than the people. /cough

I don't know, but... I guess nothing's grabbed me really. The pacing of the fights are all off... and just... URI BOMB made me want to laugh and cry at the same time... ANIMAL ABUSE. URI. I HOPE YOU'RE OKAY

I just realised. I NEED SHITT.P'S GLASSES IN MY LIFE. &hearts

Hope you had a great thanksgiving!


makeste November 26 2010, 20:44:58 UTC
It probably is lucky, since I'm so epically bad at replying these days. XDD /FAIL SOB FAIL

This whole thing is pretty much meaningless, I agree. But then, we've known that pretty much from the start. It's clear that whatever happened between Cozart and Giotto was ultimately because of some misunderstanding or other, and the same thing is happening with Tsuna and Enma now, so it's pretty frustrating. AND YET, REMARKABLY COMPELLING. Or maybe that part is just me. XD


Idk, I guess I'm starting to get used to the quick pace now. A slightly longer fight would have been welcome, but this is good too; I'm so happy to see Gokudera have an undisputed victory FOR ONCE IN HIS LIFE, and since Amano still hasn't quite gotten her fight mojo back in terms of creativity, I'd rather see them run their course quickly than sit through dragged-out chapter after dragged-out chapter. I loved the Uri bomb, though. It was just such a Gokuderaish attack, heh.

And I did, thanks! I hope you did too. ♥


(The comment has been removed)

makeste November 26 2010, 22:37:29 UTC
Gokudera rocked it in this chapter and the one previous. Aaaaaah I'm so proud of him, I want to send him flowers or something.

I hope it doesn't mean Hibari and Adelheid won't fight, though. But I'm sure they will, some way or other; Hibari is the fan favorite, after all, and aside from Enma and maybe Julie, Adelheid is the most developed of the Simon characters, so I'm sure Amano has something special planned for her. (Or I'm hoping, at any rate.) Maybe we'll see them fight at some point after Tsuna and Enma finish. I really have no idea, but there's no way Amano will just skip them.

And I like the Gaara comparison; I've gotten Gaara vibes off Enma before, come to think. It doesn't hurt that they even look alike. XD But yeah, he's basically just a darker version of the main character, one that's been through more pain. I hope that once this whole mess gets sorted out, he and Tsuna will wind up with the same kind of awesome friendship/alliance that Naruto and Gaara have now.


morgrix November 26 2010, 22:33:43 UTC
I confess I wanted to see more of Shitt. P's power, but oh well, we already know she can make beer, that's good enough.


I lol'd so much when I read this! ahuhauhuahuauh I'm still laughing!!

And I like Enma as well. I'm one of the few plp who still does, I'm glad to have another person to share these feelings.

I think that when the "rescue" arc comes Enma and Tsuna will get along and be a OTP forever.


makeste November 26 2010, 22:44:40 UTC
I can't think of too many other uses for her fermentation ability, to be honest. If this was really all she had, I guess she was completely outmatched the whole time. XD

"GRAB IT, SHITTOPI-CHAN!" Man, that scene was all kinds of unintentionally awkward. XDD

I knew from the start that I'd have a hard time reading once it finally came to Tsuna and Enma's fight, but this is ridiculous; they haven't even started yet and I'm already angsting all over the place. DAMN IT YOU TWO, THIS IS WRONG, YOU SHOULD BE FRIENDS. 8( Hopefully you're right and once this arc is over, their friendship will be restored back to the shiny, innocent shota bond they had before.


animenutcase November 26 2010, 22:43:59 UTC
That's right, Shitopi-chan! You are beautifuuuuuuuuuuul, in every single waaaaaaaaaaay!

I love your abridging of Giotto's letter. YEAH, THAT D. SPADE GUY? TOTALLY TRUSTWORTHY.

When you get down to it, you're right. Enma is essentially Tsuna's Not-So-Evil Counterpart.

You raise a good point on what could happen if Enma loses. ENMA, I THINK YOU NEED A COOLDOWN HUG.


makeste November 26 2010, 22:48:43 UTC

Giotto could probably have saved himself a world of pain if he'd only checked Spade's resume a little more thoroughly. Called some references, that sort of thing. "Oh, no, don't hire him, he's actually kind of a creep." Shoulda coulda woulda.

AND YES, ENMA, PLEASE RECONSIDER FOR ALL OUR SAKES. Because I'm seriously starting to wonder if this was Julie's plan all along. Get rid of the two most powerful bosses in the mafia in one fell swoop. D:


animenutcase November 27 2010, 18:23:50 UTC
You are beautifuuuuuuuuuuul, in every single waaaaaaaay.

What are you talking about? D. Spade is totally trustworthy! He promised to help those orphans and old ladies cross the street a few minutes ago. Strange, I thought I heard car breaks and loud crashing noises, but... Meh, it's probably not important.

Well, if you're in a situation where your boss is going berserk with your other family members panicking and all you can do is smile ominously, I think it might be time to ask some questions.


windgoddess688 November 26 2010, 23:12:14 UTC
instant like for referencing chiyo-chan's dad with Uri XD

did anyone else think kid!Shitt P. looks a lot like Lady Gaga? is it just me?!

well....seeing as how i NEVER am able to predict plot bunnies...but here's my 2 cents..(cheap aren't i)

it's a fake letter. Giotto would probably never ask that huge a favor to ANYONE. He's the kinda guy who would let his family die first before asking anyone else to carry that sort of burden. That's what I think anyway... :/


I was so confused when that safety line came for shitt p. at first i thought it was gokudera, then went oh jk maybe not...and that first panel of Enma looked almost exactly like Tsuna....i swear i need glasses...no wait i have contacts...damn i need a new pair of eyeballs o_O



makeste November 27 2010, 00:35:42 UTC
I've been trying to work in a Chiyo-chan's dad reference into one of these recaps for ages and ages. I'm just glad I finally got the excuse I needed. XD

did anyone else think kid!Shitt P. looks a lot like Lady Gaga?

I don't think there is a past, present, or future incarnation of Shitt P that doesn't look like her.

As for the letter, I'm torn; I agree that it's fake, but I'm not quite sure whether the letter itself is forged or whether Giotto was coerced into writing it, or tricked. If it was genuine, I'm assuming that he didn't fully comprehend the kind of danger he'd be putting Cozart's family in. Either that, or the "enemy" they were going to face was so powerful and/or dangerous that he had no choice. Still, you'd think that in that case, the least he could have done was ask him in person.

And there were more than a few panels in this chapter that weren't completely clear, but I guess I was too busy fangirling over the other panels to mind. XD I am easily pacified.

And I did, thank you! ♥


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