(no subject)

Feb 10, 2010 08:44

Based on this. Blame Mu Ji.

Inara sat on an examining table in a place that looked nothing like Serenity's medical bay...yet she knew she was still on the ship. Monitors beeped and she was in a hospital gown, her hair pulled up on top of her head.

Someone cleared their throat as they walked in. She knew it was Simon...even though she couldn't see his face from behind his surgical mask and he was wearing a lab coat. It seemed...out of place to her. "Well," He said, rubbing the back of his head. "The results are in. Now, we just have to wait to see where the baby is going to try to come out. Hopefully...hopefully it decides to come out the normal way. I mean, fighting gravity to orally give birth is hard so--"

Inara stared at him. "What."

"Well, before the second trimester, the fetus hasn't decided which way to come out yet. Until it plants itself somewhere, we won't know--"

"What!" Inara blinked. Something was not right here. That's not how babies work! And since when was she pregnant anyway? "I'm not...what?! Qù tāmāde!"

"What language!" The Maybe-Simon-Doctor said, appalled.

Inara buried her head in her hands and---

Woke up with a start, next to Mal, in her shuttle on Serenity. Simon was with Kaylee, in their new home...not here...not telling her she might "orally deliver her baby" or some other...absolute gŏu pì. She sighed and slumped back against the pillows.

Okay. Okay just a weird, horribly strange dream. She'd think about it tomorrow.
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