Title: In the Hall of Golden Fortunes
Pairing: Jinnai Sho/Omi Youichirou
Rating/Warnings: PG, RPS.
Genre: Heian Court Vampire AU. sobs.
Word Count: 3700
Summary: A simple love affair between a princess and a mid-ranking courtier grows increasingly complicated.
Notes: A kin is a long stringy instrument thing.
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Comments 2
............ GET IT TOGETHER, SHO DX
Wow. That Saikai sure is a good guy, huh. What a cool dude. I hope he at least doesn't die a terrible death. ;u;
Lady Kinkou, please smack that dumbbutt in the head. >:|
Saikai is a cool dude -u-!!! You are right. He probably teases Sho-chan about all his romanchikku woes all the time and Sho-chan's like dude shut up it's tough hard sho-chan life and Saikai's like it's ok bro I'm here for you. I hope he doesn't die horribly too!! I hope he makes it to heaven-ish thing and gets to sit on the lotus thingy and listen to Buddha talk all the time c:
Knowing that lady, she will probably just smooch and/or vampirize him instead /;u;\
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